Heck, here’s the whole thing, fixed up real nice:
There are five variables used in this plug-in:
<li>number of post you want to list, default: 5</li>
<li>string before each draft item, default: <code><li></code></li>
<li>string between the post title and post date, default: <code></code></li>
<li>string after each draft item, default: <code></li></code></li>
<li>message if no draft found, default: <em>No Draft Found</em></li>
So for instance, I use it in my sidebar with a call like this:
<code><?php am_coming_soon(5, '
<li class="comingsoon">&#8216;, &#8216; &#8216;, &#8216;</li>
&#8216;, &#8216;I Have No Draft&#8217;); ?></code>
Gosh, I hope that works. If you plug it into a blank HTML file, it displays just like you would hope. That is, if the board didn’t devour it…
EDIT: ARRRG! It did. Check back in a minute…