• When I have Textile1 activated, the list inside a post is double spaced, and also the XHTML code will not validate.

    Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Is this a bug in Textile1 plug-in?

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  • You’ll want to do the same thing with the <?php that appears later in your post. Make it look like this without the space after the ampersand:
    <code>& lt;?php

    And since you use so many ampersands, you’ll need to escape those, too! Use &amp; for that.

    Heck, here’s the whole thing, fixed up real nice:
    There are five variables used in this plug-in:
    <li>number of post you want to list, default: 5</li>
    <li>string before each draft item, default: <code>&lt;li></code></li>
    <li>string between the post title and post date, default: <code></code></li>
    <li>string after each draft item, default: <code>&lt;/li></code></li>
    <li>message if no draft found, default: <em>No Draft Found</em></li>

    So for instance, I use it in my sidebar with a call like this:
    <code>&lt;?php am_coming_soon(5, '
    &lt;li class="comingsoon">&amp;#8216;, &amp;#8216; &amp;#8216;, &amp;#8216;&lt;/li>
    &amp;#8216;, &amp;#8216;I Have No Draft&amp;#8217;); ?></code>

    Gosh, I hope that works. If you plug it into a blank HTML file, it displays just like you would hope. That is, if the board didn’t devour it…
    EDIT: ARRRG! It did. Check back in a minute…

    btw, the trick to displaying &lt; on this board is to write it thus: ampersand backslash elle tee semicolon.
    Beware, though: The backslash is stripped PERMANENTLY when you click Send Post, so if you come back to edit the post you’ll have to put it back in.

    One more thing: I think you wanted a <br /> at the end of item 3:
    <li>string between the post title and post date, default: <code>&lt;br /></code></li>

    Thread Starter asceticmonk


    Thanks so much skeltoac!
    I solved the problem by installing and activating Code Filter plugin, which pretty much does the string replacement that u mentioned in ur previous posts. Except, I had to mod it a little bit. I got rid of <pre> tag.

    Again, thanks so much for walking me through this problem, without ur guidance I wouldn’t have thought of this plugin. Thanks!

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