• Hi

    Firts of all I just want to thank You so much because my site is before and after Plugin Organizer. I have a lot, I mean A LOT of plugins in my site and some of them just useful for a few pages and your plugin let me do this in best posible way.

    After saying this and after more than a year of use it in my sites, I found it would be very useful (as mobile agentes, thanks) to load plugins if logeed in or if logged out.

    This would improve a lot my sites and I think many more sites that uses PO.

    Thanks for your time and effort!


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  • Thread Starter Andres Felipe


    Hi Jeff

    I know nothing about programming but I have an idea, You tell me if this is possible.

    What about using a wildcard but not evaluating any possible dynamical string but using a conditional?

    I mean, in https://site.com/red-social/miembros/*/messages/compose/ it would be possible telling to the plugin that takes any URL with the structure https://site.com/red-social/miembros/*/messages/compose/ and takes any word that replace the “*” and apply the filter?

    At least for the buddypress case (if this were possible), the plugin will take all the URLs with that structure and no matter what %%username%% goes instead of “*” it will apply the filter.

    Hi Jeff,

    I understand this is a tricky situation. Thank you for laying out all the details for me!

    Maybe one day it will be possible, but I guess we will have to refactor our entire platform code quite soon anyway.

    That being said, your plugin is still awesome!

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