• I’ve just installed wordpress and started using it. I’m adept enough to configure the database and everything else I need so it was a snap.

    I can’t believe how extensive this software is! And I can do so much with it!

    I posted my first personal blog and I was able to add javascript and other features to my blog without incident. AMAZING!

    My blog is here: https://www.gurulounge.net/jeffersblog/

    It seems the internet is going in the direction of blogging which makes this software a wonderful resource to have.

    Thanks again for making it available!
    Jeff Cobb (Los Angeles, CA.)

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  • I agree totally with you jeffersblog, wordpress is just amazing, i don’t know what we would do without it..

    You have chosen a colour full theme, it looks good too, but staring it for some time, i think my eyes hurt a bit. Am never really a fan of those striking colors but overall the these looks good.

    The site loading time is a bit too much, it is still loading. My internet connection is not fast, but i will suggest you to check the loading time of your blog on some public computers to have a better idea.

    You have chosen the default permalinks structure, i would suggest to visit your permalinks option under the wordpress admin panel and make it something friendly. I like to keep only the post title in the permalink option.

    You don’t have anything much on the sidebar and it looks empty. Perhaps a few social media widgets and buttons will make your sidebar look more full.

    Best of luck with your blog, keep it updated,

    Yes WordPress saved the life or millions and its most inspired blogging software ever.

    I am still working in my site, what do you think so far? I will be working on this for the forseeable future unless someone would like to help me, any offers? here’s my site: https://www.nigrapevine.co.uk Enjoy and any comments are welcome.

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