• While I really appreciate being able to use great free plugins, it can be annoying for plugin authors aggressively promoting their commercial products by adding banners, popups, side tabs, and in this case, in-editor button. All these unnecessary UI elements are cluttering up the admin interface.

    It would be nice if the user has an option to turn off that big blue Design Library at top of the editor screen. I never need to use it and don’t want it there. Thank you.

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  • Hi,
    You can control the visibility in the Kadence Blocks settings: https://share.getcloudapp.com/z8uO6B6E

    Most of the design library is free and is used by a lot of users, I’m sorry that you feel it is simply “aggressively promoting their commercial products “.

    All the best,


    Thread Starter skylabb


    Thanks for the response, Ben.

    The dropdown settings menu in the editor screen is handy and I can now hide the Design Library button. Thanks for the tip.

    Many users may find preset layouts useful, and that’s good. Though creating new layouts is in need during initial building stage and less so once the site has been built out. I realize why the button seems to be annoying is that it looks too dominant and seems to be screaming at you all the time. If you have a look at the screen shot (link below). There are other third party icons in that row. The good thing is that they are designed to stay line with the group and only the big blue Design Library button sticks out. So maybe it just needs to be toned down a bit and get inline with the rest.



    Plugin Support karlalevelup


    Hello Steven,

    We appreciate the feedback and suggestion. I have forwarded this now to our development team to see if we can adjust the style.


    Related, but only kinda – what if we really want to use the design library “free items”, but are now getting an “unable to sync with library” error?? I can no longer build pages with the (free) library items, and it is frustrating.
    I can open a new ticket, if necessary … Thank you!



    Hi @foxpaw,
    Apologies for the delay! It is always best to open a new ticket. Is this still happening for you? Have you tried deactivating your plugins to test if any are conflicting?


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