• As a way to collaborate I have found that when using the column block some problems have appeared. I am aware that it is noticed that this block still needs development, but it is very useful for me.
    The fact is that I have used it in the posts and each of the columns with a paragraph content and, apart from a theme with the padding when seen in the mobile, it has worked for me and it works correctly for me.
    Another thing is that I wanted to modify my homepage to stop using Beaves Builder with which it is made. The fact is that I have created several blocks of columns each with html block and, after a few hours putting it together, it is perfect, but when you publish it and access the page again the contents of the column block disappear and only the block with the specifications that is a block of columns with the remainder empty, without any content.
    I repeated the process three times in case I was wrong but the same thing happened to me. It’s a shame because it had stayed the same as the one I use with Beaves B.
    For everything else I have to say that my experience with Gutenberg is very satisfactory. Many thanks for your work.
    Translated with Google, forgive any possible translation failures. I enclose the text in Spanish.
    El bloque de columnas y problemas que he encontrado.
    Como una forma de colaborar me he encontrado que al utilizar el bloque de columnas me han aparecido algunos problemas. Soy consciente que se advierte que todavía este bloque necesita desarrollo, pero a mi me es de gran utilidad.
    El caso es que lo he utilizado en los posts y cada una de las columnas con un contenido de párrafo y, aparte de un tema con los padding cuando se ve en el movil, me ha funcionado y me funciona correctamente.
    Otra cosa es que he querido modificar mi página principal para dejar de utilizar Beaves Builder con la que está hecha. El caso es que he creado varios bloques de columnas cada una de ellas con bloque html y, despues de algunas horas maquetándolo, se vomporta perfecto, pero al publicarlo y volver a acceder a la página el contenido del bloque de columnas desaparece y solo queda el bloque con las especificaciones que es un bloque de columnas con el resto vacio, sin ningún contenido.
    He repetido el proceso tres veces por si me hubiese equivocado pero me ha pasado lo mismo. Es una pena porque me había quedado igual a la que uso con Beaves B.
    Por todo lo demás tengo que decir que mi experiencia con Gutenberg es muy satisfactoria. Muchas gracias por vuestro trabajo.
    Traducido con Google, perdonen los posibles fallos de traducción. Adjunto el texto en espa?ol.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by pacosilva. Reason: frase mal redactada
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Removed link
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by pacosilva. Reason: retirar link
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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


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    Thank you for the review. But please do not post links in reviews, that has been horribly abused in the past and is not permitted.

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    Can you please post a support topic and that can be looked at. You can post that via this link.


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