• Resolved lorcur


    Hi, i’ve tried to made a payment two times, with two different credit cards (Visa), but they are been refused by the system. (the card was declined)

    How could i fix that problem?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Senff


    Hi @lorcur

    There are a couple of reasons why this could have happened.

    To start looking into this, I recommend to turn on logging for more details on the failures of the orders (and perhaps place a test order to test whether all orders are affected, or it was a once-off).

    To turn on logging, go inside your site’s admin Dashboard and select WooCommerce → Settings → Payments → Stripe → Manage.
    Select the option “Log Debug Messages“.

    Once this option is selected, you can place a test order.

    Next, take a look at the logs in your admin under WooCommerce → Status → Logs and select the logfile that starts with “woocommerce-gateway-stripe….“.

    You can then check if there are more details about why the order failed, or why the card was declined.

    You might also want to look into your logs on Stripe.com directly, to see if that gives you some more details.

    Thread Starter lorcur


    2020-07-27T15:09:24+00:00 DEBUG
    ====Stripe Version: 4.5.0====
    ====Start Log====
    customers/cus_HhrP6TvwO6egoi/sources request: Array
    [limit] => 100

    ====End Log====

    2020-07-27T15:11:32+00:00 DEBUG
    ====Stripe Version: 4.5.0====
    ====Start Log====
    payment_intents/pi_1H9VkbD6ct7gKt4JNYNehdZc request: Array

    ====End Log====

    2020-07-27T15:11:33+00:00 DEBUG
    ====Stripe Version: 4.5.0====
    ====Start Log====
    ====End Log====

    2020-07-27T15:11:33+00:00 DEBUG
    ====Stripe Version: 4.5.0====
    ====Start Log====
    customers/cus_HhrP6TvwO6egoi request: Array
    [email] => [email protected]
    [description] => Name: Lorenzo Curia, Username: Lorenzo
    [metadata] => Array


    ====End Log====

    2020-07-27T15:11:33+00:00 DEBUG
    ====Stripe Version: 4.5.0====
    ====Start Log====
    Info: Begin processing payment for order 7147 for the amount of 1.00
    ====End Log====

    2020-07-27T15:11:33+00:00 DEBUG
    ====Stripe Version: 4.5.0====
    ====Start Log====
    payment_intents/pi_1H9VkbD6ct7gKt4JNYNehdZc request: Array
    [source] => src_1H9XzCD6ct7gKt4J2IBH2B4m

    ====End Log====

    2020-07-27T15:11:34+00:00 DEBUG
    ====Stripe Version: 4.5.0====
    ====Start Log====
    payment_intents/pi_1H9VkbD6ct7gKt4JNYNehdZc/confirm request: Array
    [source] => src_1H9XzCD6ct7gKt4J2IBH2B4m

    ====End Log====

    2020-07-27T15:11:35+00:00 DEBUG
    ====Stripe Version: 4.5.0====
    ====Start Log====
    Error: stdClass Object
    [error] => stdClass Object
    [charge] => ch_1H9XzHD6ct7gKt4JJls8ktgY
    [code] => card_declined
    [decline_code] => test_mode_live_card
    [doc_url] => https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/card-declined
    [message] => Your card was declined. Your request was in test mode, but used a non test (live) card. For a list of valid test cards, visit: https://stripe.com/docs/testing.
    [payment_intent] => stdClass Object
    [id] => pi_1H9VkbD6ct7gKt4JNYNehdZc
    [object] => payment_intent
    [amount] => 100
    [amount_capturable] => 0
    [amount_received] => 0
    [application] =>
    [application_fee_amount] =>
    [canceled_at] =>
    [cancellation_reason] =>
    [capture_method] => automatic
    [charges] => stdClass Object
    [object] => list
    [data] => Array
    [0] => stdClass Object
    [id] => ch_1H9XzHD6ct7gKt4JJls8ktgY
    [object] => charge
    [amount] => 100
    [amount_refunded] => 0
    [application] =>
    [application_fee] =>
    [application_fee_amount] =>
    [balance_transaction] =>
    [billing_details] => stdClass Object
    [address] => stdClass Object
    [city] => Cosenza
    [country] => IT
    [line1] => Via Panebianco 162/U
    [line2] =>
    [postal_code] => 87100
    [state] => CS

    [email] => [email protected]
    [name] => Lorenzo Curia
    [phone] => 348 4825356

    [calculated_statement_descriptor] => AZIENDAGRICOLACUPELLI
    [captured] =>
    [created] => 1595862695
    [currency] => eur
    [customer] => cus_HhrP6TvwO6egoi
    [description] => Azienda Agricola Cupelli - Order 7147
    [destination] =>
    [dispute] =>
    [disputed] =>
    [failure_code] => card_declined
    [failure_message] => Your card was declined. Your request was in test mode, but used a non test (live) card. For a list of valid test cards, visit: https://stripe.com/docs/testing.
    [fraud_details] => stdClass Object

    [invoice] =>
    [livemode] =>
    [metadata] => stdClass Object
    [customer_name] => Lorenzo Curia
    [customer_email] => [email protected]
    [order_id] => 7147

    [on_behalf_of] =>
    [order] =>
    [outcome] => stdClass Object
    [network_status] => not_sent_to_network
    [reason] => test_mode_live_card
    [risk_level] => normal
    [risk_score] => 31
    [seller_message] => This charge request was in test mode, but did not use a Stripe test card number. For the list of these numbers, see stripe.com/docs/testing
    [type] => invalid

    [paid] =>
    [payment_intent] => pi_1H9VkbD6ct7gKt4JNYNehdZc
    [payment_method] => src_1H9XzCD6ct7gKt4J2IBH2B4m
    [payment_method_details] => stdClass Object
    [card] => stdClass Object
    [brand] => visa
    [checks] => stdClass Object
    [address_line1_check] =>
    [address_postal_code_check] =>
    [cvc_check] =>

    [country] => IT
    [exp_month] => 11
    [exp_year] => 2023
    [fingerprint] => VcOJv4JH8a2VcvWQ
    [funding] => prepaid
    [installments] =>
    [last4] => 6622
    [network] => visa
    [three_d_secure] =>
    [wallet] =>

    [type] => card

    [receipt_email] =>
    [receipt_number] =>
    [receipt_url] =>
    [refunded] =>
    [refunds] => stdClass Object
    [object] => list
    [data] => Array

    [has_more] =>
    [total_count] => 0
    [url] => /v1/charges/ch_1H9XzHD6ct7gKt4JJls8ktgY/refunds

    [review] =>
    [shipping] =>
    [source] => stdClass Object
    [id] => src_1H9XzCD6ct7gKt4J2IBH2B4m
    [object] => source
    [amount] =>
    [card] => stdClass Object
    [exp_month] => 11
    [exp_year] => 2023
    [last4] => 6622
    [country] => IT
    [brand] => Visa
    [funding] => prepaid
    [fingerprint] => VcOJv4JH8a2VcvWQ
    [three_d_secure] => optional
    [name] =>
    [address_line1_check] =>
    [address_zip_check] =>
    [cvc_check] =>
    [tokenization_method] =>
    [dynamic_last4] =>

    [client_secret] => src_client_secret_vp8eFgy2FTClmoSTt1xg5h2l
    [created] => 1595862695
    [currency] =>
    [flow] => none
    [livemode] =>
    [metadata] => stdClass Object

    [owner] => stdClass Object
    [address] => stdClass Object
    [city] => Cosenza
    [country] => IT
    [line1] => Via Panebianco 162/U
    [line2] =>
    [postal_code] => 87100
    [state] => CS

    [email] => [email protected]
    [name] => Lorenzo Curia
    [phone] => 348 4825356
    [verified_address] =>
    [verified_email] =>
    [verified_name] =>
    [verified_phone] =>

    [statement_descriptor] =>
    [status] => consumed
    [type] => card
    [usage] => reusable

    [source_transfer] =>
    [statement_descriptor] =>
    [statement_descriptor_suffix] =>
    [status] => failed
    [transfer_data] =>
    [transfer_group] =>


    [has_more] => 1
    [total_count] => 2
    [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_1H9VkbD6ct7gKt4JNYNehdZc

    [client_secret] => pi_1H9VkbD6ct7gKt4JNYNehdZc_secret_FtcZpcINzND9YLeoDlSO4Wdhz
    [confirmation_method] => automatic
    [created] => 1595854097
    [currency] => eur
    [customer] => cus_HhrP6TvwO6egoi
    [description] => Azienda Agricola Cupelli - Order 7147
    [invoice] =>
    [last_payment_error] => stdClass Object
    [charge] => ch_1H9XzHD6ct7gKt4JJls8ktgY
    [code] => card_declined
    [decline_code] => test_mode_live_card
    [doc_url] => https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/card-declined
    [message] => Your card was declined. Your request was in test mode, but used a non test (live) card. For a list of valid test cards, visit: https://stripe.com/docs/testing.
    [source] => stdClass Object
    [id] => src_1H9XzCD6ct7gKt4J2IBH2B4m
    [object] => source
    [amount] =>
    [card] => stdClass Object
    [exp_month] => 11
    [exp_year] => 2023
    [last4] => 6622
    [country] => IT
    [brand] => Visa
    [address_line1_check] => unchecked
    [address_zip_check] => unchecked
    [cvc_check] => unchecked
    [funding] => prepaid
    [fingerprint] => VcOJv4JH8a2VcvWQ
    [three_d_secure] => optional
    [name] =>
    [tokenization_method] =>
    [dynamic_last4] =>

    [client_secret] => src_client_secret_vp8eFgy2FTClmoSTt1xg5h2l
    [created] => 1595862690
    [currency] =>
    [flow] => none
    [livemode] =>
    [metadata] => stdClass Object

    [owner] => stdClass Object
    [address] => stdClass Object
    [city] => Cosenza
    [country] => IT
    [line1] => Via Panebianco 162/U
    [line2] =>
    [postal_code] => 87100
    [state] => CS

    [email] => [email protected]
    [name] => Lorenzo Curia
    [phone] => 348 4825356
    [verified_address] =>
    [verified_email] =>
    [verified_name] =>
    [verified_phone] =>

    [statement_descriptor] =>
    [status] => consumed
    [type] => card
    [usage] => reusable

    [type] => card_error

    [livemode] =>
    [metadata] => stdClass Object
    [customer_name] => Lorenzo Curia
    [customer_email] => [email protected]
    [order_id] => 7147

    [next_action] =>
    [on_behalf_of] =>
    [payment_method] =>
    [payment_method_options] => stdClass Object
    [card] => stdClass Object
    [installments] =>
    [network] =>
    [request_three_d_secure] => automatic


    [payment_method_types] => Array
    [0] => card

    [receipt_email] =>
    [review] =>
    [setup_future_usage] =>
    [shipping] =>
    [source] =>
    [statement_descriptor] =>
    [statement_descriptor_suffix] =>
    [status] => requires_payment_method
    [transfer_data] =>
    [transfer_group] =>

    [source] => stdClass Object
    [id] => src_1H9XzCD6ct7gKt4J2IBH2B4m
    [object] => source
    [amount] =>
    [card] => stdClass Object
    [exp_month] => 11
    [exp_year] => 2023
    [last4] => 6622
    [country] => IT
    [brand] => Visa
    [address_line1_check] => unchecked
    [address_zip_check] => unchecked
    [cvc_check] => unchecked
    [funding] => prepaid
    [fingerprint] => VcOJv4JH8a2VcvWQ
    [three_d_secure] => optional
    [name] =>
    [tokenization_method] =>
    [dynamic_last4] =>

    [client_secret] => src_client_secret_vp8eFgy2FTClmoSTt1xg5h2l
    [created] => 1595862690
    [currency] =>
    [flow] => none
    [livemode] =>
    [metadata] => stdClass Object

    [owner] => stdClass Object
    [address] => stdClass Object
    [city] => Cosenza
    [country] => IT
    [line1] => Via Panebianco 162/U
    [line2] =>
    [postal_code] => 87100
    [state] => CS

    [email] => [email protected]
    [name] => Lorenzo Curia
    [phone] => 348 4825356
    [verified_address] =>
    [verified_email] =>
    [verified_name] =>
    [verified_phone] =>

    [statement_descriptor] =>
    [status] => consumed
    [type] => card
    [usage] => reusable

    [type] => card_error


    ====End Log====

    Thread Starter lorcur


    Now i realize i was in Test mode.

    Apologizes for the waste of your time.

    Plugin Support AW a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hey again!

    No worries, you have a great one!

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