• the comments by others on my posts are not showing when i click the link to them. I have to go into my comments on the left side on my dashboard to get to them to read them, why are they not showing under the blog post? I looked for something that maybe was not checked to show them, but did not find anything?

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  • Please check your setting and ensure all comment don’t need accept manual by moderator or admin of site. Good luck


    hi LDSVenus,
    please provide a link of your website.

    Thread Starter LDSVenus


    my website is www://ldsvenus-knits.com my accepting comments is set for moderate the first time and then if I accept the “needs moderation” post, other posts by the same poster will automatically be accepted. It use to work properly. I can tell there are posts under the post because it shows the number of rely posts, just wont let you access them in the blog, and others can not see them either. I have to go in to my admin and look under comments to see them, it doesnt give me the option to mark as spam because these are friends who have posted before and were accepted.

    Thread Starter LDSVenus


    oh my gosh, sorry my blog addy is wrong, I think I need to go back to bed, still have that problem tho :P.

    Can you possibly point us to an example of a post where this is happening? All of the posts I checked on your site were either closed in terms of comments or required people to login in to comment.

    Thread Starter LDSVenus


    yes to cut out on the really nasty spam I was getting you have to register with wordpress and log in to comment, I have two comments on my latest post but you cant read them. You didnt have to log in to read the postes before, just to reply, now you can’t even read them if you are logged in.

    Thread Starter LDSVenus


    i put the end on being able to comment at 30 days to try to cut out the spam from posts that were much older. Wish we didnt have to deal with spam but it’s out there so we do the best we can to avoid it on our blogs.

    Thread Starter LDSVenus


    if you think that is the problem I will take that off to see if it helps.

    to cut out on the really nasty spam I was getting you have to register with wordpress and log in to comment,

    Have you tried using the Akismet plugin? As yours is a personal site, you would be able to use the Akismet service for free. Personally, I’ve found that it deals with all of my sites spam but you can also use it conjunction with https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/cookies-for-comments/ to stop all spam dead in its tracks. Both plugins are of the “activate and leave running” variety.

    Thread Starter LDSVenus


    I think I might have that plug in but it’s not active because I didnt know if the update on it would work with wordpress, I have a hard time updating wordpress and have to have my son (the one who owns the server I am on) do that. I’ll see what I can do about putting it back in.

    Akismet is one of the very few plugins that should always work with the current version of WordPress. It is developed (and run) by the folks at Automattic. The same people who developed WordPress in the first place. ??

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