• Hi, I recently made my homepage on www.ads-software.com with twenty-eleven theme.
    But I recognized that my content of comment does not appear on my post and page both like this (https://leunkim.com/?page_id=23)
    Only the name of commentor appears.

    However, I can see the content of comment in my administration page -> comments tab when I click the edit button of that comment.
    (content does not appear when I click only the “comments” tab)

    Also now if I write a comment, only the name appears, the content does not appear.

    How can I show the content of comments again?
    Please help!!

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  • Thread Starter kdh743


    I finally solved my problem!
    I deactivated all plugins to see if this resolves the problem. Then it works! So I re-activated the plugins one by one until I find the problematic plugin. That was WP User-Agent plugin.

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