• Hello,
    I was wondering if someone can help me out. The credits at the bottom of the blog doesn’t show up. I want to show where it say powered by.
    i was wondering if someone can help me out with it. i want to know if it is css issue. i am running the latest build of wordpress. you can view my blog at https://www.fusionrain.com/blog and see what i mean.

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  • Is anything in your footer showing up? I mean, is the issue that your footer isn’t showing up or is the line in your footer that displays “powered by…” not showing up?

    I’m using

    <p class="credit"><?php echo sprintf(__("Powered by WordPress"), __("Powered by WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform")); ?>

    and it works quite well.
    Cu David

    Moderator James Huff


    Solarpunk, add <div id="footer"> in front of the <p class="credit"> tag that starts your footer and then add </div> after the tag that ends the footer.

    Solarpunk, you are using the 3dots template which is very good, but alas, one of the small bugs/issues it has is that it will not display the footer.

    Moderator James Huff


    It should display the footer if you put it in <div> tags. Anon, have you tried this?

    macmanx please tell me where have you seen this example of dotes that has the footer working corretly, i have searched this forum and the question has been asked before but no example given?

    i should add, the other thread i looked at said itr was impossible and anyone who got it to work should share!!! ??

    Moderator James Huff


    I haven’t used Dots, but the only thing that seems to be different between Dots and all other templates is the fact that all templates except Dots put the footer in <div> tags. Therefore, I’d wager that putting the footer in <div> tags will probably work.

    yes, we have tried putting in the <div> as you said, alas, it does not work.
    if you read through all postings, no one has been able to put in a footer for the 3dots template.
    it seems to be impossible to get it to work.
    but if anyone know different, please share ??

    i see so you did not have an example to share with us? and as the other anon says your solution does not work, but thank you for your kind attempt

    I’m seeing the credits div right now in Firefox, but it shows up smack dab in the middle of the content, right below the header. I initailly thought it might need a “clear:both;” or something like that, but that is already there.
    Maybe it has something to do with that “bottom: 550px;” you have in there?

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