I downloaded latest version today (3.4.1) and had the same issue with links not clickable.
The problem is an unclosed “div” tag is disrupting the stacking order of the rest of the page. In my case the footer layer was actually overlapping everything else.
Depending on the themes html structure it may not be noticed by everyone, but obviously to us on this post – it is!
I tracked it down to plugins/the-events-calendar/lib/the-events-calendar.class.php line 312 … I added a closing “</div>” tag.
// return filtered html
return apply_filters( 'tribe_events_view_before_html_data_wrapper', sprintf( '<div id="tribe-events" class="tribe-no-js" %s>%s</div>', implode(' ', $attribute_html ), $html ), $data_attributes, $html );
I hope the guys see this soon and fix it in upcoming release
Hope it helps anyone else in the meantime.