• Resolved mccookieneo


    Dear The Events Calendar,

    Currently I am using the latest version of your plug-in, together with the Kadence Theme. Since your recent update, I cannot update some settings in the Kadence Theme anymore. I get the following error: Update failed. Could not remove the metavalue from the database.

    When I disable your plug-in, the problem is resolved. I noticed that in the recent updates, you changed 2 things:

    [] 2021-03-10

    · Fix – Saving organizers properly work on WordPress 5.7 with Blocks Editor [TEC-3788]
    [] 2021-03-04

    · Fix – Prevent fatals happening with PHP 5.6 due to duplicated class for templates [BTRIA-767]

    Could it be that some of these updates changed anything in the Kadence Theme?

    I hope you can help me out because this is been going on for a few weeks now.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Also having this problem on the Pen theme (Version: 1.4.3) from htmlpie.
    Appears to have started with the WordPress update to version 5.7

    Thread Starter mccookieneo


    Hey Venture! Sad to hear you also have this problem. If you disable the Block Editor, you can publish posts again. The downside is that you won’t have the styling. I checked the changelog and the known issues. On the known issues tab, for some users it shows as fixed, for me it shows that it is still an error.

    In the changelog from the latest version (10 march) it is said that it is fixed. But it still doesn’t work correctly.

    Let’s hope they can fix this soon.

    I already replied at this thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/500-error-on-page-updates But I now see this topic has exactly the same error. Only a bit less technical details in this thread than the other thread.

    I was happy to see this in the changelog:

    Fix – Saving on Blocks editor without Organizer is working as expected again [TEC-3788]

    But I was very disappointed to see that the issue still exists in exact the same way. So it is actually not really fixed… I feel very frustrated now as this happens right before I wanted to release a website with calendar for my village.

    Edit: To me it applies to the Neve theme by the way.

    Thread Starter mccookieneo


    Hey Jeroen,

    I opened a ticket somewhere else where I explained the issue again. Like I said, a workaround for this is that you uncheck the ‘Use Block editor’, make your changes and check it again.

    I will update you soon. The new update did indeed fix nothing sadly. Can you work around this problem with my solution mentioned above?


    @mccookieneo I don’t know exactly what you mean with the “Use Block editor” option but if that involves disabling the Gutenberg editor then it will not be a good solution to me. I have to deal with non-tech savvy people for which the Gutenberg editor is much easier to handle. So I have to disable the The Event Calendar plugin and create a static calendar page until the bug is solved. ??

    Thread Starter mccookieneo


    Hey Jeroen,

    Ik was in de veronderstelling dat jij Nederlands was, dat is net wat makkelijker! Waar ik achter ben gekomen, is dat het probleem zich alleen voordoet met het daadwerkelijk publiceren van pagina’s onder bepaalde omstandigheden. Neem het Kadence thema, in deze omstandigheden lukt het mij wel:

    – Ik kan pagina’s publiceren zolang ik niet de indeling van deze pagina’s aanpas. Met Kadence kan ik namelijk zelf invloed uitoefenen op de indeling van een pagina (met, zonder sidebar etc.) Als ik deze op ‘default’ laat staan kan ik gewoon een pagina / evenement publiceren.
    – Ik kan ook evenementen toevoegen met de Gutenberg editor. Ook als ik niks in de Organisatie tab invul.
    – Ik kan wel, bestaande pagina’s die niet gepubliceerd hoeven te worden, gewoon updaten.

    Wat lukt er precies bij jou niet? Onder welke omstandigheden geeft hij jou een error?

    Mijn voorstel was ook dat mochten er pagina’s gepubliceerd worden, dat je tijdelijk de block editor uitzet en zodra deze is gepubliceerd deze weer aanzet. Zoals ik net aangaf, met het updaten gaat bij mij niet zoveel mis, zolang ik maar niks verander aan de structuur.


    Although I’m completely Dutch I prefer to answer in English. In that way non-Dutch people can understand more easily what is going on.

    For me there seems no particular circumstances in which the error occurs. It seems to occur on just every Gutenberg editor enabled page.

    The Neve theme supports enabling/disabling the sidebar, enabling/disabling header, footer, title, etc. Even if I leave all these settings untouched the error occurs.

    Plugin Support Deblyn Prado


    Hi @venturecreature @mccookieneo!

    Sorry for the issue that you’re facing.
    Our Development team is visiting this issue again to better understand what’s going on.

    Would be really helpful if you’re able to provide a screen recording demonstrating what you’re doing when the issue occurs.

    Thank you so much for helping investigating this.

    Plugin Support Deblyn Prado


    Our developers just did a quick video demonstrating how to get the info that we need.

    Please take a look and let me know once you have this data https://i.bordoni.me/8LubyAEG


    @deblynprado Sorry for the late reply. Had some busy days.

    Here is my recording: https://youtu.be/PFG3LRlg5co

    Some people thought it occurs when changing theme specific options like disabling headers, footers or titles. So during the recording I left all such options on the Neve theme I use untouched. Sometimes it succeeds when you don’t change theme specific options but mostly it fails. It always fails when you change such settings.

    As it happen with different themes it doesn’t seem to be theme specific.

    The issue is also specific to The Events Calendar due the fact the issue disappears when disabling the The Events Calendar plugin.

    Here is the request data:

    	"content": "<!-- wp:paragraph -->\n<p>This is a testpage without modifying Neve theme options.</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->",
    	"id": 1119,
    	"meta": {
    		"_EventAllDay": false,
    		"_EventCost": "",
    		"_EventCostDescription": "",
    		"_EventCurrencyPosition": "",
    		"_EventCurrencySymbol": "",
    		"_EventDateTimeSeparator": "",
    		"_EventEndDate": "",
    		"_EventEndDateUTC": "",
    		"_EventOrganizerID": [],
    		"_EventShowMap": false,
    		"_EventShowMapLink": false,
    		"_EventStartDate": "",
    		"_EventStartDateUTC": "",
    		"_EventTimeRangeSeparator": "",
    		"_EventTimezone": "",
    		"_EventURL": "",
    		"_EventVenueID": 0,
    		"_non_existing_meta": true,
    		"_OrganizerEmail": "",
    		"_OrganizerPhone": "",
    		"_OrganizerWebsite": "",
    		"_VenueAddress": "",
    		"_VenueCity": "",
    		"_VenueCountry": "",
    		"_VenueLat": "",
    		"_VenueLng": "",
    		"_VenuePhone": "",
    		"_VenueProvince": "",
    		"_VenueStateProvince": "",
    		"_VenueURL": "",
    		"_VenueZip": "",
    		"neve_meta_author_avatar": "",
    		"neve_meta_container": "",
    		"neve_meta_content_width": 100,
    		"neve_meta_disable_footer": "",
    		"neve_meta_disable_header": "",
    		"neve_meta_disable_title": "",
    		"neve_meta_enable_content_width": "on",
    		"neve_meta_sidebar": "full-width",
    		"neve_meta_title_alignment": "",
    		"neve_post_elements_order": "",
    		"qubely_global_settings": "",
    		"qubely_interactions": ""
    	"status": "publish",
    	"title": "Testpage March 3rd, 2021 - 10:44 AM"

    Please pay attention to the line
    "_EventOrganizerID": [],
    When I edit the line at the request into
    "_EventOrganizerID": "",
    and resend the request manually everything saves in the correct manner.

    The response data to above request without editing the request is:

    	"code": "rest_meta_database_error",
    	"message": "Kon metawaarde niet verwijderen uit de database.",
    	"data": {
    		"key": "_EventOrganizerID",
    		"status": 500
    Plugin Support Deblyn Prado


    Hey @joennuh!

    No worries! Thanks for sharing that, I’m sending to Development team.
    Will keep you posted


    @deblynprado Thank you for your reply. I hope they will be able to get it fixed soon. The contractor of the only website I use your plugin on seem to be wanting to release that website in just about a few days to a week. It would be great if I don’t need to place a static page with events as workaround. ??

    @mccookieneo and @venturecreature

    I just posted an update on this issue here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/500-error-on-page-updates/#post-14296938

    Thank you for your patience as we fix this!

    Thread Starter mccookieneo


    @geoffbel amazing that you guys are on this! Thanks a lot.

    Plugin Support Jaime


    Hi @mccookieneo @venturecreature @joennuh

    We are releasing a fix for this issue in our upcoming release!

    In the meantime, the following extension should resolve the issue:

    Let us know if that helps!


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