• Howdy folks!

    We’re happy to announce that The Events Calendar 4.5.8 officially released just moments ago. This is a maintenance release, which is a fancy way of saying we squashed a lot of bugs, including some high priority ones we know many of you will appreciate.

    So, what’s new in this release? Glad you asked, because I was getting to the change log:

    • Fix — Remove permalink logic for recurring events (Events Calendar PRO will implement instead)
    • Fix — Avoid type error when setting up one-time imports for Facebook URLs (our thanks to @j for flagging this!)
    • Fix — Add a safety check in <samp>isOrganizer()</samp> function (our thanks to Kevin for flagging this!)
    • Fix — Fixes to the plugin upgrade notice parser including support for environments where the data stream wrapper is unavailable
    • Fix — Ensure the multichoice settings configured to allow no selection work as expected
    • Fix — Enqueue expired notice and CSS on every admin page
    • Fix — Allow passing multiple localize-scripts to tribe-assets. Don’t output a localized scrip more than once.
    • Tweak — Add helper to retrieve anonymous objects using the class name, hook and callback priority
    • Tweak — Allow <samp>dependency.js</samp> to handle radio buttons. ensure that they are linked correctly.

    Next up, we’re making progress on the next major feature release for The Events Calendar and can’t wait to get that out to you. In the meantime, please update safely as you would with any other WordPress, theme or plugin update and be sure to let us know if you run into any other issues.

    We have a Known Issues page for you to reference so you can see what’s already on our radar for a fix.

    Check out a detailed description of all of the changes in this release in our official release notes here ?? https://theeventscalendar.com/maintenance-release-week-10th-july-2017??

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  • When I install 4.5.8 it crashes the site. I am using WP 4.8. I just bought your filter bar and am being told that I have to update calendar for filter to work.

    I am running calendar 4.2.2

    I am running Goliath theme, latest version, on WordPress 4.8. I originally had an events calendar plugin (free) from Xylus Themes. I need to import events from hundreds of live music venues’ FB pages and Google calendars on a recurring basis. So I upgraded and purchased their WP Events Aggregator plugin. Then I discovered your free plugin The Events Calendar. I like it much better and it says in the documentation for both it and the WP Events Aggregator that they will work together. So I installed your The Events Cal plugin, free version, because we are a tiny startup and I’m flat broke. It wouldn’t work. Kept getting error on activation. Tried deactivaating and deleting all the other events plugins, then manually uploaded and installed your TEC plugin. It then worked. I reactived the Xylus Wp Events Aggregator because you charge too much for your pro version. Frankly. And I had already bought the other one. So it worked great, for about an hour. Then I got an error message on your free TEC plugin saying this:
    “There is a new version of Event Aggregator available but your license key is invalid. You may need to download and manually install the new version. You can check the status of your licenses and download plugins by logging in to your account on theeventscalendar.com. View what’s new with version 1.0.”

    Didn’t make any sense because the license key was brand new, and it is FREE, and it was working fine for an hour or two.
    So I deactivated, deleted, manually uploaded and reactived. Starting importing FB pages again. It was working great.


    WHY IS MY LICENSE KEY INVALID? It’s FREE. And there isn’t a “new version” – I’m running 4.5.8 of The Events Calendar free version and 1.2.4 of the Xylus WP Events Aggregator. WP says both are up to date. My license on the WP Events Aggregator plugin settings screen says it’s just fine. It my license on your free plugin that keeps throwing errors. WHY!?!?

    Please help me. I’m about to give up and use someone else’s theme and will not have any positive feedback to share far and wide on social if I can’t get this working the way your own documentation promises it will work. If I can get it to work the way it’s promised, I will sing your praises from shore to shore. Thank you.

    I fixed my problem. There was a conflict the the free and paid version. I disabled the pro version and the free version updated without a problem.



    Glad you’re all sorted, @slabadie ??

    @kristalkstar – I’m not completely following the chain of events but we’d love to help if we can: if you have purchased a license from us, please login and create a post on our premium forums.

    If you haven’t purchased anything from us and perhaps you entered the license key for a different product in the Events → Settings → Licenses screen, then try removing this and saving the change.

    If you still need help (and are not a premium customer), we can help you further right here in the www.ads-software.com forums. We would ask however that you create a fresh topic for this, per the forum guidelines.


    Similarly, should anyone else need help with this update, please do create a new topic of your own! We want to help you (and other community members probably want to help you, too) but having lots of voices talking about different problems on different sites from within the same forum topic isn’t the best way to get that help ??


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