• Resolved Pedro Fidalgo


    Hi Dears,
    Before I start using the Plugin to place an “Ad” what shall I do to make Google Adsense recognize my account/blog? This very first step is included in the Plugin?
    Will you give me a tip, in order for me to start?
    Many thanks and warm regards,

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  • Plugin Author Thomas Maier


    Hi Pedro,

    thanks for reaching out.

    You need to sign up through https://www.google.com/adsense/ first. They should tell you to add the verification or “Auto ads” code on your site, which you can do by using Advanced Ads.

    Just connect to your account in our WP Admin panel through Advanced Ads > Settings > Google AdSense and enable the “Verification code & Auto ads”.

    Once you did that, all you have to do is wait for the approval of your site.

    If you already have an AdSense account, you might want to check that your site is added under Ads > Overview in your AdSense account.

    Please let me know if you need anything else.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter Pedro Fidalgo


    Hi Thomas,
    I have alreay an account, but when I arrived, it says “We are working in your configuration” and I am not able to see if the blog is added (under Ads > Overview, as you mention).
    What do you think of this problem? Shall I deactivate this account?
    Sorry for the disturbance and warm regards,

    Plugin Author Thomas Maier


    Hi Pedro,

    I have not seen that warning myself. Based on this thread it seems that this is a message you seen when your account is pending approval. There is nothing you can do about that and it can take weeks until they reviewed your site.

    Is there a “Websites > Overview” menu in your AdSense account. At least in my account, there is also a button to add a new site if one is missing.

    Once you added it, make sure that Advanced Ads keeps being enabled with the Verification code option I mentioned before so that AdSense can review it.

    Good luck!

    Thread Starter Pedro Fidalgo


    Hi Thomas,
    Well, probably this has been caused by some mistake I did in the past…
    Anyway, I saw the “site” option, but it is “blocked”, meaning I can not click on the option. The options available are only “account” and “comments”. No access to any kind of assistance!!…as far as I can understand.
    I remember 2 things:
    1. Shall I install your Plugin and insert the html code with the id number, which is the only thing I know?
    2. Shall I just cancel this account and create a new one?
    Sorry again and hope you have some idea to help me solve the issue.
    Warm regards,

    Plugin Author Thomas Maier


    Hi Pedro,

    > 1. Shall I install your Plugin and insert the html code with the id number, which is the only thing I know?

    If your account is blocked until your site is verified then yes, you would need the plugin to display the verification code on your site.

    > 2. Shall I just cancel this account and create a new one?

    No, this is against the AdSense policy.

    If you see the “Account” option in your AdSense account then click on it and look for the “Policy center”. If there is a critical issue with your account then it will show up there.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter Pedro Fidalgo


    Thanks Thomas,
    I was a bit frustated and almost cancelling the Adsense account. Thanks again for the advise.
    I checked in my account, I saw “finnaly” a “help center” but did not tried. Does not say anything about the account. Probably I introduced a wrong html code that is not exact with what is the id they have in the account.
    I will try your plugin, already installed, and try to place the verification code on my site. Let′s try.
    Have a nice Sunday and warm regards,

    Plugin Support schmidt25


    Hi @pedro-fidalgo,

    Since Thomas is out of the office this week, I want to take care of your thread. have you been able to place the verification code on your site or do you need further advice?

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter Pedro Fidalgo


    Hi Joachim,
    I placed already the code in the “Adsense Account” and clicked the “Verification code & Auto ads”.
    Nothing happens, so far, from Google. Going to the site Google Adsense, it still states “We are working in your confihuration” (message in portuguese, but hope the transalation should be 98% correct).
    Just waiting that someting happens, but if there is a way, any idea, to garantee that Google is looking at the issue, please tell.
    Probably I placed the code some months ago with any error. Not sure. After so long time I decided to try a different approach and this is when I discoverd your Plugin. Hope that was not to late. Thomas told me not to cancel the account, which was my first reaction to this. A Portuguese way to react…
    Many thanks for the care and all the best for you.
    Warm regards,

    Plugin Support schmidt25


    Hi Pedro,

    Thanks for the explanation and sorry for the long time that you had to wait for my response. I am used to the Portuguese way that you describe, but it is not the recommended for AdSense ??

    As Thomas mentioned earlier, when your account is still pending approval, there is nothing that you can do. If you want to ensure that you integrated the verification code correctly, please, don’t hesitate to post a URL, and I will confirm this for you.

    Best regards,


    Thread Starter Pedro Fidalgo


    Hi Joachim,
    Thanks for your attention.
    I continue waiting and without any idea to solve the issue…
    This is the message I have in your Plugin – adsense tab:
    “Your AdSense application is still under review. You will only see blank ads until your account has been either fully approved or disapproved. dismiss
    Revoke API acccess
    Account holder name: Pedro Fidalgo”
    If you can see any mistake or any other way to turn the problem please tell me.
    Thanks and warm regards,

    Plugin Author Thomas Maier


    Hi Pedro,

    I hope you are well.

    I checked your site and still don’t see any ads, though the script is added correctly. Are there still warnings in your AdSense account?


    Thread Starter Pedro Fidalgo


    Hi Thomas,
    It stays the same. Going to what I think is the account (probably my brains are not working well…) https://www.google.com/adsense/new/u/0/pub-6097963891632285/home
    it appears a static page, saying “we are working in your configuration” and saying the same phrase “Normalmente, este procedimento demora alguns dias, embora, em alguns casos, possa demorar até duas semanas. Enviaremos uma notifica??o …”, the procedure takes some days… and in some cases up to 2 weeks….
    There is not any way, as far as I can understand, to make a comment or ask for help. Nothing!!
    Thanks for your care Thomas and all the best for you.
    Warm regards,

    Plugin Author Thomas Maier


    Hi Pedro,

    thanks for your feedback.

    Yes, this is the account I was referring to. There is nothing you or I can do about it.

    I am going to mark this thread to “resolved”, because it is not an issue related to Advanced Ads. If something comes up that might be related to Advanced Ads then please don’t hesitate to start a new thread.

    All the best to you and your project!


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