Hi there Yiggory
I’m sorry you feel that the free version is not what you expected.
Please note that the free version allows you to chat to website visitors, in an unrestricted way. Is this not the very heart of the concept of a live chat support system? How then, may I ask, do you feel that the plugin is “useless”?
Were you perhaps experiencing issues that caused the live chat box not to work or show on your site? If yes, please also note that I cannot find a support ticket associated with your username either, in future, please consider leaving a support request before posting a one star review that seriously affects our average ranking, especially if the issue could stem from something outside of our control.
With regards to the wav file being downloaded, this is most likely due to the fact that you are using a Google Chrome extension to handle downloads.
With regards to your comment about adding useful features to the free version, the following features are included by default:
View any live chats you may have missed
Desktop Notifications when receiving new live chats
Comprehensive list of live chat options
Ban visitors from chatting to you based on IP Address
Users can drag the live chat box around their page
Allow the live chat box to automatically pop up
Limit the live chat box to only show to registered users
Select whether Name and Email is required when users initiate a chat
Enable/Disable the chat box on mobile devices
Enable/Disable the sound when a new live chat message is received
Change the colors of the live chat box
Fully responsive admin chat dashboard
Compatible with all caching plugins (live chat window loaded via Ajax)
Set the starting position of your chat box
No advertising or links
No “Powered by” links on the live chat window
No monthly live chat subscriptions needed
Looking forward to your response.