• >>>>> The GoDaddy Installation Fix for WordPress 2.x <<<<

    (Background – After pulling my hair out for hours and pouring over numerous previous posts with only a part of the answer…I’ve decided to pull all of those bits into this one post which, I hope, will help you solve all GoDaddy installation problems…at least these steps did it for me. Like you, I was befuddled by the “wp-config is missing”, “wp-config already exists” merry-go-round.)

    MAKE SURE YOU DON’T SKIP A STEP…or you’ll have to start from the beginning. And yes, you can install to a sub-folder using this method.

    STEP ONE: Follow the Famous 5-minute Install through and including item #3 (changing the wp-config name). https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Installing_WordPress#Famous_5-Minute_Install

    STEP TWO: Open the wp-config.php file in Dreamweaver (preferably) or other HTML or text editor.

    STEP THREE: Fill in the DB_NAME, DB_USER (usually the same) and your DB_PASSWORD.

    STEP FOUR: Fill in the DB_HOST with the address given to you by GoDaddy. NOTE:’LOCALHOST’ WILL NOT WORK for GoDaddy!

    NOTE: To find the address you need to enter above, go into your GoDaddy Hosting Account and OPEN the CONTROL PANEL for the account you set up the MySQL database in. Once there click on MYSQL and then click on the USER NAME of the database you created. You’ll then see HOST NAME which will look similar to: mysql98.secureserver.net Whatever yours shows that is what you enter in STEP FOUR above.

    STEP FIVE: Once you have entered all of the above, save the file…and this is VERY important…making sure the file name is ‘wp-config.php’. Be careful as there are some text editors that will save this as a straight text file with a ‘txt’ suffix. It must have the ‘php’ suffix.

    STEP SIX: Upload all your files as outlined in item #5 of the Famous 5 Minute Install. DO NOT do item #6 of the Famous 5 Minute Install yet. (Note: Contrary to some previous posts…YOU CAN upload to a subdirectory.)

    STEP SEVEN: STOP! and before you do anything,read STEP EIGHT below BEFORE you do anything else. If you accidentally jumped ahead and tried to run the install as listed in item #6 of the Famous 5 Minute Install…you must now delete all of the files off of your server and start again with STEP ONE. Sorry.

    STEP EIGHT: Using CuteFTP or a similar FTP program that allows you to change the CMODS of server files and folders, change the settings of the folder that contains everything you just uploaded from “755 to “777”…even if it is the root directory. NOTE: This MUST be done BEFORE you attempt item #6 of the Famous 5 Minute Install.

    STEP NINE: Assuming you have done all of the steps above in order…you are now ready to move on to item #6 of the Famous 5 Minute Install. Take a deep breath and do it.

    STEP TEN: If it worked…Congratulations! But your not through…advance to STEP TWELVE!

    STEP ELEVEN: If it didn’t work and you find yourself looking again at that familiar error message saying cannot find wp-config.php…you need to totally wipe out everything you uploaded (including the subfolder you created). I know, sounds drastic, but it is necessary. Actually I had to do this twice before I achieved success. Why? I haven’t a clue.

    STEP TWELVE: Complete the Blog naming and email form and the rest of the online steps you are given until you reach the end and receive an email congradulating you on your new blog. PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK…BUT DO NOT SKIP THE FOLLOWING STEP!!!!

    STEP THIRTEEN: Super-Incredibly Important!!!! Go back to your FTP program and change the CMODS of the folder you changed previously from ‘777’ back to ‘755’ and log out.

    I hope this has been of help. Here’s to less hair loss.

    (Insert all possible indemnifying disclaimers here that you have ever read or skipped over in the past)

    John Wesley

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  • Thank you so very much PinkyToe!! I feel like such a dolt! I don’t know why I’m having so much trouble with this. I know I should just switch hosts but I really want to get this!

    By the time I got your response I’d already deleted everything and reinstalled Word Press. Supposedly everything went okay but when I tried to move past the login I got the following error messages:

    Warning: main(/home/content/D/i/z/DizzyIzzie/html/wordpress//wp-admin/menu-header.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/D/i/z/DizzyIzzie/html/wordpress/wp-admin/admin-header.php on line 67

    Warning: main(/home/content/D/i/z/DizzyIzzie/html/wordpress//wp-admin/menu-header.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/D/i/z/DizzyIzzie/html/wordpress/wp-admin/admin-header.php on line 67

    Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required ‘/home/content/D/i/z/DizzyIzzie/html/wordpress//wp-admin/menu-header.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/content/D/i/z/DizzyIzzie/html/wordpress/wp-admin/admin-header.php on line 67

    There is no line 67-only 2 very long lines. I feel like I’m wandering around some foreign country and don’t speak the language! I don’t know what to do.


    I can’t thank you enough for your godaddy install fix. My headache is slowly fading away now. ??

    Thanks again!

    5 bucks for 5 minutes ^^

    If anyone out there will just get me up and running I will pay them 5 dollars via paypal.

    Contact me if your interested.
    [email protected]

    Just wanted to say thanks to all who gave advise on this thread.

    For those who are still trying to get the WordPress to load on godaddy.com, I have some advise.

    Try and try again, thats what I did. I took me several, around ten, times until I finally got the thing to load right.

    I used all the info in this thread and if it didnt work the first time, I deleted the files on the directory on godaddy and tried again.

    I know some have posted that they have had it work the first time, I guess with all of us trying someone will get lucky. If not and you really want it, try, try again.

    I have the deluxe plan on godaddy with the Linux hosting.

    I changed the info in the files as mentioned using Notepad++, a free download. I used SmartFTP, another freebie, to upload to godaddy.

    When I unzipped the WordPress that I downloaded to my machine, I changed the name of the WordPress directory to Blog and uploaded this blog directory to my route directory on godaddy.

    Let me know if I can help anyone. Thanks.

    I got mine up and running on the first attempt (Economy PHP) – thanks tons.

    FYI, for those that use WS_FTP LE (like I do), the settings for CHMODS are found by right-clicking on the install folder, and selecting chmod (UNIX) from the menu that pops up. Checking all nine boxes sets it to 777, and UNchecking the “Write” boxes on “Group” and “Other” (leaving the other seven checked) will give you 755.

    FWIW, I was having the same problems as many of you. I knew I had the special GoDaddy.com database information in config.php right, but WordPress wouldn’t install. I attempted to do the installation described at the top of this thread, but was constantly thwarted by the fact that GoDaddy wouldn’t let me change file permissions. I tried using Cute FTP, Internet Explorer–the function was disabled in both. It kept saying it was a server-level restriction.

    I came to understand that that restriction was part of having a Windows-based server. I called Tech Support and asked them to switch the account (the Deluxe account) to Linux/PHP. They said sure and did it right there on the phone, didn’t even take five seconds. I then waited a few hours till the change became effective, then ran install.php perfectly without any file permission changing, fancy work-arounds or even the slightest hiccup. I highly recommend anyone installing WordPress on Godaddy.com make the same change.

    I also did not have to change file permissions. I couldn’t do it with ws_ftp so I just tried for the install.

    Oh and just for future reference, you can change your own hosting server by going to the hosting services link, click on the name of your site and the side bar will change allowing you to choose economy hosting with php for free. It took a full day for mine to switch over thought. And all of my files and databases were still there when it finally switched.

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