• Resolved Stilian


    Few months ago, I imported sample products on my website for testing and they now suddenly disappeared from my database. What’s even more weird is that when I noticed the issue, 2 of the sample products were still there (Hoodie, Hoodie with Logo). After some minutes, these 2 products lost their images, lost their attributes, and became unavailable. Also, before this issue, I had created a product myself and this product is still there and well (it seems unaffected by the issue).

    What could have caused this weird behavior? If I don’t find the cause I will always be afraid that the same could happen to the real products I want to create for the website.

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  • AJ a11n


    Hi @stilians

    Did you use a CSV file and the importer included in core to import?

    I would suggesting taking a look to see if there are any fatal errors happening on the site. You can do this by going to WooCommerce>Status>Logs

    If there are any fatal errors logged in the dropdown on the top right of the page, those may give you an idea of what is happening with the sample products that were imported.


    Thread Starter Stilian



    Unfortunately, I don’t remember how I imported the products.

    I found some fatal errors, but I don’t understand them. I copy-pasted and uploaded the errors here: https://txt.do/1kc36. Could you check it out and see if you can find anything that could be related to the issue?

    AJ a11n


    Hi @stilians

    Thanks for sending along the fatal errors.

    From looking through the logs, I see that there seems to be some issues with the Pixel Your Site Pro, https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/post-smtp/ and Elementor Pro plugins. I’m not sure that those would be directly related to the issue happening with the imported products on the site, but it wouldn’t hurt to contact the developers of each just to make them aware of the Fatal Errors happening on your site with those plugins.

    This kind of problem can be caused by either a conflict with your theme or with another plugin.
    The best way to determine this is to:

    • Temporarily switch your theme to Storefront
    • Disable all plugins except for WooCommerce
    • Repeat the action that is causing the problem

    If you’re not seeing the same problem after completing the conflict test, then you know the problem was with the plugins and/or theme you deactivated. To figure out which plugin is causing the problem, reactivate your other plugins one by one, testing after each, until you find the one causing conflict. You can find a more detailed explanation on how to do a conflict test here.

    It sounds like the product that you manually added is still unaffected, correct?

    Thread Starter Stilian


    Thank you for your detailed and fast response!

    I’ll contact the developers of those plugins and let them know about the errors. But I don’t think I’ll able to follow the steps to replicate the issue, because I don’t even know what happened (or when) that caused the issue in the first place.

    And to answer your question, yes, the product that I manually added is still unaffected.

    Also, I just deleted the remained 2 sample products that lost their attributes and re-imported the official CSV file of the products using WooCommerce core importer, just to see if the issue happens again.

    Thread Starter Stilian


    Hey Amanda,

    Can you take a look at my fatal error again? I’m not sure that I showed you the right one. And please let me know if you think it could be related to the issue of the products being disappeared.

    Here’s the link to see the error: https://pastebin.com/yAYWqE3K



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @stilians!

    The errors in your most recent log are related to the Actionscheduler.

    It is having trouble connecting to the site database. Database errors are usually caused by a server problem, so you can check this with your hosting company. Please also make sure that WooCommerce is updated to the latest version (as well as the database), as it will recreate the structure of database tables used by WooCommerce.




    Automattic Happiness Engineer


    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to go ahead and mark this thread as resolved. If you have any other questions please start a new thread.


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