• Resolved WhitG


    My apologies for adding yet another support request of this type, but I’m an extremely seasoned web designer/developer and I’ve already tried everything I could find on this issue. As with many others, my problem is that I can’t upload any images, I keep getting this:
    “An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.”

    It should be noted that it is actually uploading the images in question – I see them in FTP every time – it just doesn’t seem to be able to register them in the Media Library. Here’s what I’ve tried/looked at:

    – Reverted to the Twenty Sixteen theme.

    – Disabled all plugins.

    – Reinstalled WP both via the Dashboard button and by re-uploading through FTP.

    – Re-exported the images (note that they’re not large – again, I’m a professional designer) from Photoshop and used new, unique names.

    – Futzed with folder permissions, making ‘2016’ and ‘5’ (this month) set to 775 (World can’t write, but everything else allowed).

    – Tried two different “add from server” type plugins, both claimed to be adding the uploaded images, but neither actually did so.

    Note that this site is running on my VPS, on which MANY other WP sites are installed and working just fine. However, one possible issue is the fact that this site doesn’t yet have its real domain name – it’s using an IP address + username:

    The site was installed with that in mind, the above is reflected in the General Settings and everything else is functioning correctly, so I’m a bit skeptical that’s the problem, but I don’t have any other ideas right now. Anybody have any idea what I could look at next?


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  • Thread Starter WhitG


    Ah, got it. Well, there are no other Resources that show up after async-upload when I upload a file. And yes, admin-ajax starts showing up right below that. I don’t see anything resembling an error in the details for either, though I also don’t know what I’m looking for.

    Does the response start with the word “success”?

    Thread Starter WhitG


    Nope. I don’t see that word anywhere in the resource details.

    So on the response tab, the text does not start with the word success? What does it start with? Does it say error or do you see any text that indicates a potential error? You can paste it here if you like.

    Thread Starter WhitG


    One thing we haven’t discussed is which browser we’re using. ?? There’s no response “tab” in Safari, which is my usual browser, but there are two “trees” that I can open that include the word “response” in them. Neither of those have “success” in them, but here’s what I am seeing:

    I should also point out that another, similar glitch just popped up as well: I tried to create a new user account on the installation, but while WP allowed me to complete the creation of the user, the result did not have a visible username, and when I tried to edit that user entry, I was taken to the main admin account details. Seems like another area where the system can only “sort of” add something to the site.

    Ah that explains a lot. Your issues with the user module is probably related. In your tree, you are seeing is the file name, I assume, so that’s good. At least the file is being uploaded.

    In Safari, you should be able to see the XHR menu at the bottom of the panel on the network tab. Safari is different. You will see info all three parts of the ajax call on one tab, the request, the data and the response. I don’t use Safari for debugging, so I can’t tell you what information will display there. If something goes wrong during the ajax call to upload the image and the process couldn’t be completed, it should show up in the response.

    You should look at the content tab for the file, I believe. There should be two for async-upload, one with the id number for the image and a second with the html for the image. You should also check the content tab for the admin-ajax.php executions.

    I find the ajax module very frustrating. When something goes wrong in the upload.php application, it does not mean that there is an issue with the upload module, but that the WordPress ajax module is crashing because something is broken somewhere else that is otherwise unrelated.

    I am seeing this issue a lot. I just had to uninstall Securi. Although it was working, the host was blocking it’s ability to connect to their server and that was what was blocking the ability to upload. Since there is obviously something going on in your admin section I am going to strongly recommend that you delete your plugins folder completely. I’m positive that it is possible for inactive scripts to still interfere with the application. If you are running caching, turn it off and delete your cache. Switch to 201x theme so that you are down to the bare bones basics.

    Thread Starter WhitG


    I had more or less tried that before (but merely disabling plugins). In any case, I tried it again, and I’m afraid there is no change. I moved the plugins folder to the root (I cannot fathom WP being capable of making any kind of use of the plugins with them in that location) and switched to Twenty Sixteen. Same result. And while I already wasn’t using any caching method, and there’s no GoDaddy-like system-wide caching system on my VPS, I don’t think that can be a factor. :/

    I appreciate your efforts here, but I’m not totally understanding all of your process descriptions above. Note that everything appearing in the screen cap that I sent is everything that appears to be available to me – there are no additional tabs that I’m seeing. Would it help the sleuthing if I inspected the page using Chrome or FF instead? When I click on Resources and then XHRs, I see the following:


    And when I click on the first Ajax file, I get this:

    “success”: true,
    “data”: []

    Clicking on the async-upload file shows nothing, and clicking on the other Ajax files show things like this:

    “wp-auth-check”: true,
    “server_time”: 1464712061

    Oh, I’m so sorry that we couldn’t figure out the issue. It’s interesting that the async-upload file shows nothing. I assume that you’ve reinstalled WordPress and that you are using the latest version, so I would say that you have tried everything.

    This is a real bug, and it’s one that has been reported before. I’ve been able to resolve it in a couple of places, but it keeps coming back.

    You can create a ticket here: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/. You might want to refer back to this post. THey might close it as a duplicate but it looks to me as though the core keepers keep closing the issue, thinking that it’s solved. It can’t hurt to share your horrors with them.

    Best of luck!

    FWIW, you can try firefox, firefox has the best debugger.

    Thread Starter WhitG


    Well the plot thickens (or thins, depending on how you look at it). I backed up the database and then erased it, resetting WordPress so that it acted like a brand-new site. Lo and behold, the WML would then upload images no problem.

    That suggests to me that a DB issue is at the root of this, but I’ll be damned if I know what to do about it. I compared the “fresh” DB with the real DB, and while I found and copied over a few minor differences, the vast majority of the differences were in the ‘options’ area, and they are simply too different to feasibly compare them. And when I replaced the fresh DB with the slightly revised old one, the problem came back. Boo. ??

    I just wish some sort of log would give me a clue, but none of the logs I’ve been able to find make any mention of this error.

    I am inclined to agree that it is a bug of some sort, or at least there’s a bug involved in the process doing what it’s doing, so I may go ahead and submit a report. In the meantime, though, I’m in trouble with this project – I can’t just rebuild the site from scratch, it involves a HUGE amount of effort and multiple developers.

    Thread Starter WhitG


    This should give you an idea of why I can’t afford to rebuild this thing from a fresh site:

    Wow. Thank you for letting me know. I am very interested in this issue, most of my work revolves around the media library and I keep coming across it.

    I think that there are plugins that regenerate image in image sizes from the media library and that might give you a short term workaround.

    Thread Starter WhitG


    Funny you should mention that – that was where this whole thing started. I was trying to use a couple of plugins like that to get the WML to “see” images that were already uploaded, but both of them failed, I’m sure for the same reason that the upload issue is also happening, whatever the hell that is.

    Thread Starter WhitG


    Ugh, I finally fixed it. Ultimately the problem seemed to be due to some sort of error in the SQL file. I never did quite hunt it down – I was able to copy over phpMyAdmin data from a known “good” SQL file and “sort of” got it to “sort of” work, but not really, and not in a way that would be acceptable for my clients.

    Ultimately what finally fixed the problem – and I don’t imagine this will work for everyone in a similar situations (note here: try all of the other, much easier solutions first!) – was reverting back to the SQL file provided by the theme developer in the first place (that is, a modified version of that which included my own server/DB/user info). I was actually about to beg them for help when I decided to make sure that I was clear on the fact that their original SQL file carried the problem with it. But it turns out that it didn’t. I have no idea how I could have done anything SQL-related to cause this mess, but I have to assume now that I did.

    In order to avoid replicating my own work, I was able to copy most of the revised page content/code into a text file with the “bad” SQL still in place, then copy that back into the respective WP pages after reverting back to the developer’s SQL. Tedious for sure, but my mini-nightmare appears to be over. Thanks again to everyone who tried to help out!

    That’s awesome. I am not convinced that upload.php should break based in any old random error in the system but it appears that it does.

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