• This is the easiest, the best, and the most accurate Benchmarking tool for testing the Server all from inside of the WordPress interface! Results are easy to understand. And the test itself is most inaccurate and not some approximates. If you really want to see what is going on when the test is running, all you have to do is – open the server console and check the server task manager(eg., htop) – you will literally know what is going on! The fact is – it is doing the real test. Thanks for making this plugin and I hope this plugin is updated when necessary. I don’t anymore use other tests to see how a server performs. After using this plugin, I exactly know who is providing good VPS and who is not. Earlier, it was all guesswork mostly or rely on some benchmarking tools that were not exactly doing the job right – they were not total server performance benchmarking tools. “WordPress Hosting Benchmark tool” has done a great job. Small Request: This is not important but a tiny wish – it will be great to see the timer running from the moment the test start running until it finishes. I realized that the time taken to finish the test is also very important and is adding up to the server’s overall performance! Anyways for now i am using my mobile phone’s Stopwatch while running a test. Note: I used WordPress for the past 18+ years, but was always a bit hesitant to create an account and then post a review, but this plugin made me feel like I must start posting reviews from now on or never do it ever! Thanks for the great plugin! God bless.

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