• ResolvedPlugin Author axew3


    Check the new code applied on the online example … no htaccess this time.
    Shorter, faster, easier and secure way to integrate using iframe.
    Try to navigate and open links in any way: right click over links within iframed phpBB, open new tabs, copy links on address bar, see the result.
    Still some little adjustment is needed, but it is coming soon and it’s so cool!
    a new way to integrate things using an iframe

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  • Dude I am interested in this…..what is different then before?
    I need to easily iframe my PHPBB3 into my wp and keeping the same link structure…..

    Plugin Author axew3


    Hi, the link structure should not affect anymore.
    Do not use .htaccess anymore.
    When you reload page or do right click into a link opening into a new page/tab this link, the opened page is still iframe, and ever at right url.
    These important and from long time needed differences to make it a perfect iframe surfing/integration experience.

    the new way, that is still not complete in the js code i’ve add into overall_footer.html online example, make the new page-forum.php shorter of almost 100 lines of not more useful code, reducing these 100 to a 1 single now.

    It just encode urls so they can be passed between cms without interfering.
    Passed urls, are now real (encoded) phpBB urls: there is not any switch/rewrite for the passed url between windows, it is passed as real url, encoded.
    You could use the mod rewrite for friendly urls into your phpBB: this will not be a problem. When the passed url to phpBB is a default url that phpBB can recognize, then it will be correctly processed within the iframe.

    it is coming really soon …

    I use default phpbb urls….so seo not friendly….but I want to keep them the same cause I dont want the people to miss the pages they are looking for….

    Plugin Author axew3


    best answer to this are two different links:

    you see the phpBB iframed into wordpress on first link.
    This link point to a wp page named forum, which just display an iframe inside.
    What an iframe is and how spiders look to it?
    It is a tag that retrieve a resource (phpbb in this case) and display it on page as separate content/window. It is not part of the page, nor will be considered as part of the page by spiders. Spiders just can follow the related href where it point in case (the real url of phpBB, or any other resource/url that the iframe point to).

    The unique problem was represented by widgets or shortcodes that display last topics: all pointing to same wordpress page, with different kind of links.
    However this problem has been resolved with a little trick time ago: spiders see the real phpBB url, while users, if iframe links activated, are redirected to correct wp page with the iframed phpBB. You can check this behavior how work with easy javascript applied, at axew3.com home. Pass mouse over a link: it display the real url to phpBB, until you do not click over or move out the mouse from link and return over. the url will result switched the one of the iframe page at this time.

    In short: how iframe affect spiders or users? In no way.

    The code about iframe has been just further more improved at date of this post, and i hope that this will be the right time of this test: all should result perfect, but i will test little more before to release.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by axew3.

    but are you sure it will not affect the spiders? and it will not decrease the ranking of the website in search engines?
    will wp and phpbb still share same database?

    Probbaly I would not want that..I just want a forum embedded with wp header and footer and WP menu links etc….and just have the main body of phpbb3 inside wp, nothing else….
    and also latest 20 topics of phpbb3 on wp homepage…..

    Plugin Author axew3


    but are you sure it will not affect the spiders?


    will wp and phpbb still share same database?

    Did you installed phpBB and wp on same db? Why?
    Yes or not this not interfere with nothing about spiders. Unique things that matter for spiders are on previous post explained, and are all resolved.

    Probbaly I would not want that..I just want a forum embedded with wp header and footer and WP menu links etc….and just have the main body of phpbb3 inside wp, nothing else….
    and also latest 20 topics of phpbb3 on wp homepage…..

    Of course the way to do things at best is your choice! cheers

    I am talking about the bridge between wp and phpbb3 where the databases are connected

    Plugin Author axew3


    The database have nothing to do with spiders, it can only affect performance, so perhaps i confused what’s your meaning.
    Except for the fact that there are 3 rows into wp db options table at install time, and 10 at max if any opti.on on plugin admin activated (that are cleaned up when plugin removed) there is nothing that this plugin have to do with cms’s databases.
    The plugin insert user’s data when users register on respective db and as explained on install procedure and update fields of these users when needed, nothing more.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by axew3.

    i am also concerned about the speed of the overall website….my phpbb3 runs really fast all the time….but when coupled with wp will there be any loss of speed? Cause you have to run 2 db at the same time? Did you test teh speed of the site?

    Plugin Author axew3


    Look: when you load the wordpress iframed page forum, wordpress load, and phpBB, as separate thing, load too, inside the iframe.
    But after first time loaded, when you click on phpBB links that are inside the iframe, navigating the forum, you go to load only phpBB, you interact only with the window/iframe where phpBB display in … hope my explain is clear.

    I’d put on queue a preloader about the iframe first time loading

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