• Personally, I find the new plugin directory a total eyesore, with ‘read more’ links and sections falling about all over the place.

    Thing is, apparently so does Google – an oversight obviously missed by the developers – in that whereas plugins used to have a star rating next to them (suggesting that the item in question is a plugin), it is now just a block of text, giving anyone searching for plugins on Google a nightmare of a task.

    So – can someone please give the developers of this new repository a good kicking until they make it more accessible to all concerned?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by steveraven.
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  • Moderator Sergey Biryukov


    WordPress Dev

    Keep in mind that it’s just a first iteration that will be continuously improved based on feedback from users and developers, pretty much like the support forums are still being improved since the migration to bbPress 2.x a few months ago.

    Aside from visual redesign, which is still a work in progress, there were quite a few back-end changes, see the announcement post on Meta blog for more details.

    Perhaps the most important change is that the plugin directory is now fully open-source and is powered by WordPress, which makes it much more open to improvements than when it was powered by bbPress 1.x.

    The outlined issues are already being worked on:

    Thread Starter steveraven


    Right – so therefore, I’ve hit on three major faults, all being discussed by ‘the committee’, as something that should have easily have been seen as design faults and corrected prior to release.

    And what on earth is the ‘like’ button doing in there? Totally irrelavent for a plugin repository if the reviews section works properly.

    I think you guys need to look at a few plugins!

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    @steveraven, The developments for www.ads-software.com are very much open source just like WordPress itself. This is a community project and there is no comity.

    I agree totally with @steveraven (except for kicking the developers! ??).
    Tabs were the solution.
    Now apparently they’re “deprecated”.
    So we have a problem.
    Presumably the problem can’t be fixed with tabs because they are old hat so we have to stretch usability to patch a problem created by removing something that worked. Can’t use tabs so let’s try ‘jump sections’. For me, and I could be wrong, usability=least number of clicks + least amount of scrolling. Regarding plugins, the tabbed layout worked on all screen sizes. Whoever decides on the next iteration should try the new layout on different screens/devices before they decide on where the future plugin layout design should go. My humble opinion. ?

    Please return the “Required WP Version” info to the plugin pages. Essential.

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