• Resolved seindal


    When I insert a gutenslider block the height is 50% and the % selector is blue.

    If I click either % or px the button doens’t turn blue, but remains with a blue frame, and whatever I do later, the height will be in pixels, up to a maximum of 100px. Nothing I do can switch it back.

    The only thing I can do that works is to move the slider.

    The only workaround I have is to delete the slider and add a new.

    I’ve tried with Firefox 60 and Chromium 76 on Linux. Same result.
    Gutenslider Version 2.7.0.
    Wordpress 5.2.2 self-hosted.

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  • Plugin Author eedee


    Hey @seindal,
    sorry to hear that you are having problems with Gutenslider. Did it happen after an update to 2.7.0? Were you using 2.6 before?



    Plugin Author eedee


    We checked and the error does not happen in our testing environments. Please be so kind and add the following lines to your wp-config.php

    define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
    define( ‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true );

    Then send us the log of the browser’s console.

    source: https://www.ads-software.com/support/article/debugging-in-wordpress/

    Thread Starter seindal


    Thanks a million for your answers.

    I’m not quite sure what has happened, but after an upgrade to version 2.8, and switching the plugin off and on, it works as expected.

    It a great, and much missed, plugin.



    I noticed the same problem. Version 2.8.6

    It happens if one does not enter a pure number in the field height, but falsely writes the unit in e.g. if you write 200px. This is a user error but it would be great if the plugin would catch the user input error.

    This is still an issue in v2.8.8. Once you change the default value, the % and px buttons stay gray and the value of the input field is ignored.

    It would be great if you can fix this issue. It’s a great block plugin.

    Plugin Author eedee


    Hi @matthiaspabst,

    you were totally right, ssorry for the delay and inconvenience. It was just fixed in Version 2.8.10.



    Thank you Niklas! It works perfectly in v2.8.11.

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