The Permalinks and .htaccess File Problem
Right, let me tell you all the facts then hopefully somebody could help me out. It would be much appreciated.
WordPress Version: 3.1.2
Server: 123 Reg UK using the WordPress installed app.Problem: I’m trying to create “pretty” permalinks. I know how to go about it to some degree. I.e. Settings > Permalinks > Custom Structure > %examplehere%. In this case I want to use %postname%.
So I hit Save changes, to be greeted with this:
If your .htaccess file were writable, we could do this automatically, but it isn’t so these are the mod_rewrite rules you should have in your .htaccess file. Click in the field and press CTRL + a to select all.So I go to my .htaccess file via FTP and try to edit this to include the text, but the suggested text is already there.
Firstly this file sits outside the wordpress folder (Is this the default place WordPress saves it?). When I place the .htaccess file inside the wordpress folder that contains everything, my site breaks. What permissions do I need to give the .htaccess file in order for it to be writable? I’ve worked through them all and still no joy.The one thing at the top of my .htaccess file is this:
RedirectMatch permanent ^/$ Should this even be in there?I’m aware that this is a recurring problem. Please help.
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