I’m getting a 99 in Lighthouse on performance on a default install with Pods enabled. The details of the configuration, server, and plugin mix matter. For example:
- Have you chosen the more performant options under Pods Admin > Settings > Performance?
- How many fields are you querying on the page being tested? How are you querying those fields? There are ways to query the database in one call, as apposed to making a new query for every field request.
- Are you running an object cache?
- How many post types and fields are you registering?
- What are the details of the performance rating? Is it time-to-first-byte, enqueued scripts, first contentful paint? Time to interactive? All these metrics have different meanings and sources — the overall performance rating does not mean much without considering the details of the underlying metrics and the structure of the page being served.
Please consider the details of your specific configuration, query methods, and look at the detailed metrics behind the overall ranking when considering performance.