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  • Anonymous User 9782929


    Haven’t come across this before.

    From a quick google, could be because you’re using a newer version of WP than was out when I last released the plugin. Makes sense though because I haven’t been 100% diligent about keeping the header tags up-to-date.

    The solution proposed is to visit the lively-chat-support/readme.txt file and change “Tested up to: 3.6.1” to “Tested up to: 3.8.1” (or whatever your latest version is).

    If this is the case, it seems silly that WP handles it this way.

    Let me know if this works.

    Thread Starter thelawnblog


    Thanks for the response dallas, you are very diligent on the support side of a free plugin ??

    Changed the “Tested up to: 3.8.1” but to no avail.

    I can get the plugin activated via the admin section, however all I get on my front end is a blank screen. Not even a error pops up.

    Using Google Chrome browser
    Hosting = / also tried on my hosting
    Tried using multiple themes with same results.

    Going to turn off all plugins and try now.

    Let me now if you need me to do anything for troubleshooting.

    Thread Starter thelawnblog


    Turned off all plugins and tried to activate the Lively Chat Support and still returned the same message.

    “The plugin does not have a valid header.”

    Anonymous User 9782929


    Thanks. Not too sure about this… are you installing from WP plugin gallery or from a zip file?

    Thread Starter thelawnblog


    from plugin gallery

    Thread Starter thelawnblog


    Ok, I downloaded from and unzipped and uploaded via FTP and activated it without a problem. It might be because the plugin is behind an extra folder? However, I am still getting the white screen frontend. Logged into my cPanel and it shows heavy CPU usage. 85-90% and this is why my frontend wont render.

    Any reason why the plugin uses so much CPU? Anyway I can tone it down?

    Anonymous User 9782929


    Glad to hear that worked.

    I’ve had a few people mention the memory issue. To me, the code seems like normal PHP code, nothing fancy is going on – I wouldn’t even know where to begin.

    I’d be grateful if you could somehow point me to a specific file (or line) that was causing this issue. I have no problem spending the time refactoring and restructuring, but I’m not sure how to duplicate this (short of purchasing another hosting account).

    The only thing I can think of is that there’s an indefinite recursive loop in some special case.

    Thread Starter thelawnblog


    I’ll dive in a bit and look around.

    Thread Starter thelawnblog


    The only problems I can find are warnings and some errors in the js chat file. Lots to be exact…and a lot of statements within the functions…dunno if that will help ya. But I do know that heavy js can lead to high CPU usage. Maybe try and correct some of the code and go from there.

    Bounce the .js code off of and

    I had the same problem.

    For what it’s worth, I did several google searches for best chat plugins and yours was at the top of a few of them. I would imagine you will be/have been getting a lot of downloads for the plugin.

    I’ll prob check out another one for the time being, but good luck getting it going strong again.

    Anonymous User 9782929


    Thanks folks.

    This is a server side issue (PHP), not client side (JS).

    One thing I’ve noticed in profiling the memory – the settings page options each contain their own mysql row. I’m going to save them all to the same row and see if that makes a difference. It should save 20 – 30 SQL queries.

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