The plugin does nothing
I installed and configured the plugin adding the icon and setting the Anonymous preset, then unchecked “Skip first visit” in advanced. It does nothing. I also tried checking the “Add meta tags” option.
I tried with an iPhone and with an Android device. Then I also tried enabling the debug mode to see if it showed up in a desktop browser. No luck.
The website URL is and the theme I’m using is this one, with some custom modifications. The WordPress version is 3.9.1 (latest).
I just tried on Androind and iPhone and the message is showing up correctly.
Try to access your admin console with your phone and tap the “clear session” button in the debug panel. Then open a new tab and retry.
Thanks for your quick answer.
It seems it’s working now, but I have to say the debug mode only works randomly (when changing application ID and/or clearing locale storage). I’m using Firefox for development. Also, even with me having the “Skip first visit” option unchecked (which I would make the default tbh), sometimes it doesn’t pop up in the first load, but then pops up after reloading.
Another problem I’m having is that, even with the website being in Spanish, the message pops up in English. I can see the spanish string in addtohomescreen.min.js so there must be some problem with the language detection. I’m translating the theme with a .mo file, so I’m pretty sure the locale is properly set because it gets the strings from it, using load_theme_textdomain(). I’m setting the locale with define (‘WPLANG’, ‘es_ES’);
thanks for your report.The script by default tries to be as less invasive as possible. Notably by default the message is only shown once per user.
You should never change the appID, that is a very advanced feature to be used only if you have multiple sites under the same domain.
The best way to test the script in the development phase is to set the options as follow:
Skip first visit: off
Display pace: everytime
Max display count: 0
Detect homescreen mechanism: no tracking
Enable debug mode: onRegarding the language, it is not related to your page locale but to the user’s browser configuration. The message reflects the language the user set her device. You can force a locale btw.
Hope this helps
Ok thank you, I was missing the “Display pace: everytime” option. Now it shows everytime.
Just forget what I worte in the following paragraph, I just noticed that these changes are in the GitHub repository.
Now to the languages part. My native language is Catalan, which for example in Firefox corresponds to the ca locale (some other software make it ca_es). The problem is that in the plugin’s javascript, there’s this line:
That makes it impossible for me to set the strings in catalan. Also, for example in Spanish, there’s a lot of possible locales (es_es, es_mx, es_ve, es_ar, es_ch, etc…) so, if someone from Mexico has the es_mx locale instead of es_es (they won’t see the message in spanish, but in english.In my opinion the javascript should be modified to not only allow 2 char locales, but also to check if the first 2 chars of a 4 chars locale (en_gb) match a defined one (en or en_us). Also I think the locales that don’t have variants should be defined as 2 chars, so the es_es should be defined as just es, the it_it as it (and the en_us as en, though this one won’t make any difference being the default), etc…
If you are ok with this changes and don’t have time to implement them yourself, I can make a pull request to the github repo.
Also I’d like to share one more language strings so you can add them.
ca:{message:"Per afegir aquesta aplicació a la pantalla d'inici: prem %icon i selecciona <strong>%action</strong>.",action:{ios:"Afegir a la pantalla d'inici",android:"Afegir a la pantalla d'inici",windows:"Afegir a l'inici"}}
Note that this will never work with the current code because the locale is not ca_ca, but ca_es (we don’t have a country yet).gonssal,
thanks for the translations, I will add them asap.The new version of ATH on github (not yet on the WP plugin) already supports both 2 characters and 4 characters locales. So “ca”, “ca_ca” and “ca_es” they all should work.
PS: please note that Firefox (even though the script might work on it) is not actually supported (or at least tested). For debug purpose your best option is Chrome being the engine (webkit) the same as both iphone and android devices.
As it says above. This plug in does nothing. I have it installed and activated on 2 websites and have uploaded images to both (196 x 196 png images) and used the defaults and nothing happens on either site. and I have tried chrome and samsung browsers and 2 different phones. Nothing. I also have a friend who is trying to get it to work on his sites and can’t get it to work on his either.
the plugin works wonderfully ??
I see it works on your phone which appears to be android, but it does not on either my Samsung galaxy S4 or my friends samsung galaxy s3. Any ideas why?
I have tried clearing the cache in chrome, but still no joy on my phone. Also, it does not show the /#ath after the URL in my address bar.
By default the message shows only once per user, so you won’t see it again unless you change the defaults.
Go to the plugin settings, Advanced tab and set:
- Skip first visit: Unchecked
- Display pace: Everytime
Max display count: 0
Then you should see the popup everytime. When you are sure it works, set the options to some sane values so your users don’t get annoyed everytime.
Also please note that it only works with iOS or with Android + Chrome.
ATH doesn’t want to bother your user and it has a series of rules to avoid displaying the message too often or by error (eg: when the application has already been added to the homescreen).
During the development phase (when you are testing your website and the plugin for the first time) the plugin most likely set your device as “don’t bother him again” (eg: you probably refreshed the page many times).
The plugin can be configured to be more aggressive, but I wouldn’t suggest that.
Try the following:
1) clear the browser cookies and localstorage (or access the wp admin from you smartphone and click the “clear session” button in the debug tab).
2) go to the homepage. nothing will probably happen.
3) go to
4) go to your homepage again (by typing the URL in the addressbar, not with the back button)
At this point you should see the message.
Please note, that this is compatible only with Chrome for Android and iOS. The stock browser is not compatible because it doesn’t actually have an “add to homescreen” option.
Hope this helps
MattI have now tried it on my wifes Galaxy S3, her 10″ ipad and a 7″ generic android tablet running android 4.2. All the phones are on kit-kat. None of them work. I did notice on the 7″ android tablet that the first time I went to the page the #ATH appeared in the URL, but it was gone on subsequent reloads of the page.
Try the following:
1) clear the browser cookies and localstorage (or access the wp admin from you smartphone and click the “clear session” button in the debug tab).
There is no debug tab in wp-admin.
There is no way to clear the cookies in chrome on my phone. The only choices are Clear cache and clear data. I have already tried clearing the cache.
I tried clearing all data from the phone and this time the second time I went there it did display the choice. But when I tried to click on the 3 vertical dots, the pop up disappeared and it did not prompt me for anything else. How do you click on the 3 dots? I guess I will have to delete all data again and try again. I cleared everything and tried again. The popup shows, but there is no way to click on the 3 dots. If I touch anywhere in the pop up, it just closes and there are no other 3 dots anywhere. When I look at the screen shot you provide above, it shows 3 vertical dots to the right of the button that shows the number of tabs. On my phone, there is nothing there. There is no room for anything there.
This has been driving me crazy. The 3 dots button does not appear on my browser. I have to use the “soft” menu key on the bottom of my phone to bring up the menu that has the option of add to home screen. The popup points to the upper right corner. It needs to point to the lower left corner to prompt for the soft menu key.
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