The Plugin Event-Post prints the [:lang] Tags in Widget
I have a Problem. The Plugin Event-Post Print-out the [:lang] Tags in the Widget. I think this Code here and spezial the line
ist responsible for the problem. Does anyone has a idea how to fix this?$list.=str_replace( apply_filters('eventpost_item_scheme_entities', array( '%child%', '%class%', '%color%', '%event_link%', '%event_thumbnail%', '%event_title%', '%event_date%', '%event_cat%', '%event_location%', '%event_excerpt%' )), apply_filters('eventpost_item_scheme_values', array( $child, $class_item, $event->color, $event->permalink, $thumbnail == true ? '<span class="event_thumbnail_wrap">' . get_the_post_thumbnail($event->root_ID, !empty($thumbnail_size) ? $thumbnail_size : 'thumbnail', array('class' => 'attachment-thumbnail wp-post-image event_thumbnail')) . '</span>' : '', $event->post_title, $this->get_singledate($event, '', $context), $this->get_singlecat($event, '', $context), $this->get_singleloc($event, '', $context), $excerpt == true && $event->post_excerpt!='' ? '<span class="event_exerpt">'.$event->post_excerpt.'</span>' : '', ), $event), $item_schema );
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