Hi @keson88,
Thank you for providing that information.
I have tested a multiple file upload field on my demo site, and it’s currently working using Forminator’s latest version. It may be possible that there is a conflict with your current site setup. To check this further, please enable debug.log by accessing your wp-config file and providing us with the log file(upload it to a drive and share the link here) so that we can verify any relevant errors. Follow this guide to enable debug.log: https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/debugging-wordpress-how-to-use-wp_debug/
Once you have enabled debug.log, make sure to repeat the action of trying to upload the file. Please also run a conflict test to check if there’s a conflict with plugin or theme. First, create a recent backup in case you lose any settings during the test and have to restore to a previous working state.
Then deactivate all plugins and MU-plugins apart from Forminator, activate a default theme like TwentyTwentyOne, clear all caches and check again if the issue is still there. If not, it means that something is conflicting, so start activating the remaining plugins and theme, one by one this time, checking every time for the reported issue, until you reproduce the issue, thus finding the conflicted combination. The following flowchart image can assist you during this test: https://premium.wpmudev.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Support-Process-Support-Process.gif
Jonathan S