Hi @alve39,
Thanks for testing and providing us the feedback.
Regarding the ‘LazyLoad’ plugin conflict, we have tested this plugin with our development version, and it is working fine (Including Firefox). The blank screen you are seeing is maybe because of the Google Docs Viewer. As mentioned in the plugin description, we use third-party services such as Google Dos Viewer and Microsoft Office Online viewer. Google Docs Viewer is notorious for stability issues, especially for the documents that are hosted elsewhere! Sometimes Google will block the requests when a particular rate is reached. This may be the reason for this.
When using the Plus version, we recommend two solutions for stability.
- Use Google Drive to host your files – We have hardly seen any downtime for the documents that are embedded from Google Drive.
- Use Box.com – Box.com has its own viewer. It’s super stable and also comes with various privacy settings.
Otherwise, nothing much we can do in this case. We hope you understand.
Please let us know if you need any other help.
Vidya K V