• I was afraid of installing and using this plugin, but it works exactly as it should: it adds PHP code to your template as if you were adding it to a custom functions.php file but without creating a child theme or taking the risk of your custom code getting removed by a future theme update. I think that the users saying that this plug-in broke their sites, added a bad PHP code. Please be aware that this plug-in is not for people that don’t know what they’re doing, is not just a plug-and-play, is a plug-and-code. If your code broke your site, it would certainly do so too if you have added it to the funcions.php file directly.

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  • If it isn’t plug and play, then they should say that in their documentation! That would save many people lots of frustration.

    Read what lalomarquez says please. When you don’t know what effect a PHP code will have then do not use it! Neither in the functions.php itself neither with this plugin. And plug and play it sure is untill you enter bad PHP coding but that’s not the plugin to blame for.

    It’s so easy to critisize the author, maybe you’d better take a look at your own skills first.

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