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  • Plugin Author YARPP


    Hi @malferov ??

    It looks like we’ve been waiting for you to test a proposed release… Details in The query filter 3 (continued).

    Thread Starter Mikhail Alferov


    I don’t now, how i can do it.

    I know this (each update i edits this fragment of code):

    /* $wp_query->query(
                                            'p'         => $reference_ID,
                                            'orderby'   => $orders[0],
                                            'order'     => $orders[1],
                                            'showposts' => $limit,
                                            'post_type' => $this->get_query_post_types( $reference_ID, $args ),
                            ); */
                                apply_filters('yarpp_display_related_wp_query', [
                                    'p'         => $reference_ID,
                                    'orderby'   => $orders[0],
                                    'order'     => $orders[1],
                                    'showposts' => $limit,
                                    // 'post_type' => isset($args['post_type']) ? $args['post_type'] : $this->get_post_types(),
                                    'post_type' => $this->get_query_post_types($reference_ID, $args)
                                ], $args)

    Is it necessary to test something else for such a change? I have been testing this change for more than three years, the flight is normal ??

    Plugin Author YARPP


    Thread Starter Mikhail Alferov


    I don’t want to test the code in production. I don’t have another testing site.

    All I’m asking is to add a standard WordPress filter to be able to change the query. I don’t understand how this can harm the plugin.

    Plugin Author YARPP


    @malferov that’s OK. YARPP is used on over 100,000 websites, including those operated by Fortune 500 companies (ex. Disney). Out of caution and best practice, we generally like to get confirmation from the user that requested a feature that the code change resolves their issue. Since our code change is different from yours, it would have been useful and would have expedited the process. But it’s OK. We’ll try to get this prioritized internally.

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