• i have a site on https://cruis-citoyen.fr

    my goal is to move this site as an archive to https://municipales2020.cruis-citoyen.fr and create a new site at the original URL.

    i have created the subdomain, which is bound to a subdirectory. i then installed the multisite option following all instructions, modifying config.php as well as .htaccess as told.

    the multisite option appeared in my dashboard and i “created” my other site in the subdomain. it appears in the multisite menu.

    when i try to access the other site admin i get this error message: “The requested URL /wp-admin/ was not found on this server.”

    looking up my files with an FTP client i see no files at all in the corresponding directory.

    what am i doing wrong ?

    thanks in advance for any help.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by jimdoneit.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by jimdoneit.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • your site is currently at
    you need to move the wp files out of the backup directory.
    then you need to change the url in the database.

    Thread Starter jimdoneit


    thanks for the reply.

    yes, i had tried brute force by copying the site in the subdomain directory, to no avail. so i just moved it to a backup directory on the spot.

    following your advice, i have bumped it up again at the root of the subdomain and went looking for the relevant table with mysql. i found 2 : ‘wor4450_3_options’ and ‘wor4450_options’, one with the home and siteurl fields to the original URL, one with the new.

    i tried inverting that and then all accesses went the new one. through the admin dash board and different settings, nothing i could do changed that. so i tried to revert everything to how it was before.

    now if i try to access the admin of municipales.cruis-citoyen.fr i don’t have the “not found” error, but i end up on the cruis-citoyen.fr admin.

    since i want 2 independent sites, this is not working.

    i am aware that i may have confused WP-admin with my tweaking. my initial problem is that i cannot use 2 databases on this server, so i can’t just have 2 really independent sites… that’s why i tried multisite.

    It would help if you provided a screenshot of your wp_options table using a tool such as https://pasteboard.co/

    Thread Starter jimdoneit



    here are the 2 tables :

    wor4450_3_options : https://pasteboard.co/J0fp1Nm.png
    wor4450_options : https://pasteboard.co/J0fpLU9.png

    Okay, you need to check your wp-config.php file to see which table is the correct one.
    DO NOT share a screenshot of this file.

    You are looking for a line that looks something like this
    $table_prefix = 'wp_';
    It should be around line 66.

    Let me know what the prefix is then I will attempt to help you based on the screenshots.

    My apologies, I missed that you said there were two tables in the original post.

    Thread Starter jimdoneit


    thanks for sticking with me Davood.

    the captures i sent you are for tables wor4550_options and wor4550_3_options, and i think the latter is for the second site location i’m trying to set up. apparently, the siteurl and home fields are not enough to implement this relocation.

    in the config file the prefix is set to wp_4550_. i tried editing the config file of the site duplicate, in the subdomain folder, to wp_4550_3_. i get security errors, and when i find my way around that nothing shows up.

    i’m beginning to think i should start all over again –?put away the duplicate in case i need it, remove the multisite options in config and htaccess, and pick it up from there.

    i may have to buy the option of a second database. it would be simpler than try to handle this as a multisite, no? what do you think?


    I asked you to please share what the prefix is. Rather than changing the prefix, I’d suggest changing the prefix back to what it was in the wp-config.php file and changing the url in the options table with that prefix.

    Thread Starter jimdoneit


    well, now you know what the prefix is. but the duplicate config file pointed to the original site options field, with the corresponding url’s. i don’t see how that could work.

    like i said earlier, if i switch the url fields, both site urls (municpales2020.cruis-citoyen.fr and cruis-citoyen.fr) point to municpales2020.cruis-citoyen.fr.

    it seems to me that the prefix in the config file of the duplicate should point to the options table containing the municpales2020.cruis-citoyen.fr url’s. but it still does not work.

    You might be getting the security errors due to the fact that the url you are using in the database not having the s after the http.

    Thread Starter jimdoneit


    i finally went the long way, adding a database and exporting/importing the site with All-in-one WP migration.it worked.

    thanks again for your help.

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