• Resolved Dotsey


    I’ve got a failed restoration. I tried following the steps outlined on ibaa’s thread (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/restoration-failed-7/) but that didn’t fix it. It seems to get stuck at 53% for a really long time.

    [STEP] [2022-07-26 05:11:51] Initializing restore process
    [WARN] [2022-07-26 05:11:52] PHP CLI is disabled manually, plugin will omit all PHP CLI steps.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:11:52] Restore process responded
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:11:52] Locking migration process
    [STEP] [2022-07-26 05:11:52] Initializing restore process
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:52] Backup & Migration version: 1.2.1
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:52] Initializing custom error handler
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:52] Site which will be restored: ***site_url***
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:52] PHP Version: 7.4.30
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:52] WP Version: 6.0.1
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:52] MySQL Version: 5.7.38
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:52] MySQL Max Length: 268435456
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:52] Web server: Apache
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:52] Max execution time (in seconds): 259200
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:11:52] Restore process initialized successfully.
    [STEP] [2022-07-26 05:11:53] Free space checking…
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:53] Checking if there is enough amount of free space
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:53] Requires at least 2268983012 bytes. [2.11 GB]
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:53] Disk free space function is not disabled – using it…
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:53] Checking this path/partition: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:11:53] There is 655,964.53 MB free. [640.59 GB]
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:11:53] Great! We have enough space.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:11:53] Confirmed, there is enough space on the device, checked: 2268983012 bytes.
    [STEP] [2022-07-26 05:11:53] Making new secret key for current restore process.
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:11:53] Secret key generated, it will be returned to you (ping).
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:53] Secret key detected successfully (pong)!
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:53] Making temporary directory
    [STEP] [2022-07-26 05:11:53] Scanning archive…
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:53] Scan found 48742 files inside the backup.
    [STEP] [2022-07-26 05:11:53] Preparing batching technique for extraction…
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:53] Files exported per batch: 6000
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:55] Using ZipArchive, omiting memory limit calculations…
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:11:55] Extraction milestone: 6001/48743 (12.31%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:12:01] Extraction milestone: 12001/48743 (24.62%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:12:08] Extraction milestone: 18001/48743 (36.93%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:12:18] Extraction milestone: 24001/48743 (49.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:12:30] Extraction milestone: 30001/48743 (61.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:12:44] Extraction milestone: 36001/48743 (73.86%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:13:02] Extraction milestone: 42001/48743 (86.17%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:13:28] Extraction milestone: 48001/48743 (98.48%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:13:33] Extraction milestone: 48743/48743 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:13:33] Files extracted…
    [STEP] [2022-07-26 05:13:36] Saving wp-config file…
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:13:36] File wp-config saved
    [STEP] [2022-07-26 05:13:36] Getting backup manifest…
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:13:36] Manifest loaded
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:13:36] Backup Migration version used for that backup: 1.2.1
    [STEP] [2022-07-26 05:13:36] Restoring files (this process may take a while)…
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:13:50] All files restored successfully.
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:13:52] Splitting process is disabled because v3 restore engine is enabled.
    [STEP] [2022-07-26 05:13:52] Checking the database structure…
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:13:52] Successfully detected backup created with V2 engine, importing…
    [STEP] [2022-07-26 05:13:52] Restoring database (using V3 engine)…
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:13:53] Started restoration of crypto_files 1/272 (0.37%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:34] Progress of crypto_files: 69/71 (97.18%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:34] Progress of crypto_files: 71/71 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:34] Table crypto_files restoration took 42.32676 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:34] Started restoration of crypto_membership 2/272 (0.74%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:34] Progress of crypto_membership: 38/40 (95.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:35] Progress of crypto_membership: 40/40 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:35] Table crypto_membership restoration took 1.13969 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:35] Started restoration of crypto_payments 3/272 (1.10%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:36] Progress of crypto_payments: 63/65 (96.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:36] Progress of crypto_payments: 65/65 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:36] Table crypto_payments restoration took 1.33510 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:36] Started restoration of crypto_products 4/272 (1.47%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:37] Progress of crypto_products: 67/69 (97.10%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:37] Progress of crypto_products: 69/69 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:37] Table crypto_products restoration took 1.26356 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:37] Started restoration of wp_actionscheduler_actions 5/272 (1.84%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:37] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_actions: 46/1524 (3.02%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:37] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_actions: 1522/1524 (99.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:37] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_actions: 1524/1524 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:37] Table wp_actionscheduler_actions restoration took 0.90466 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:38] Started restoration of wp_actionscheduler_claims 6/272 (2.21%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:38] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_claims: 28/30 (93.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:38] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_claims: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:38] Table wp_actionscheduler_claims restoration took 0.28581 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:38] Started restoration of wp_actionscheduler_groups 7/272 (2.57%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:38] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_groups: 28/74 (37.84%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:38] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_groups: 72/74 (97.30%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:38] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_groups: 74/74 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:38] Table wp_actionscheduler_groups restoration took 0.79751 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:38] Started restoration of wp_actionscheduler_logs 8/272 (2.94%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:38] Cleaning up contents of wp_actionscheduler_logs table.
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:39] Progress of wp_actionscheduler_logs: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:39] Table wp_actionscheduler_logs restoration took 1.00681 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:39] Started restoration of wp_blog_versions 9/272 (3.31%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:39] Progress of wp_blog_versions: 29/31 (93.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:39] Progress of wp_blog_versions: 31/31 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:39] Table wp_blog_versions restoration took 0.37279 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:39] Started restoration of wp_blogs 10/272 (3.68%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:39] Progress of wp_blogs: 39/60 (65.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:39] Progress of wp_blogs: 58/60 (96.67%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:39] Progress of wp_blogs: 60/60 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:39] Table wp_blogs restoration took 0.99347 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:40] Started restoration of wp_booking 11/272 (4.04%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:40] Progress of wp_booking: 34/52 (65.38%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:40] Progress of wp_booking: 50/52 (96.15%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:40] Progress of wp_booking: 52/52 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:40] Table wp_booking restoration took 0.56895 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:40] Started restoration of wp_bookingdates 12/272 (4.41%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:40] Progress of wp_bookingdates: 28/52 (53.85%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:40] Progress of wp_bookingdates: 50/52 (96.15%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:41] Progress of wp_bookingdates: 52/52 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:41] Table wp_bookingdates restoration took 1.22490 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:41] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_auth 13/272 (4.78%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:41] Progress of wp_calendarista_auth: 28/58 (48.28%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:41] Progress of wp_calendarista_auth: 56/58 (96.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:41] Progress of wp_calendarista_auth: 58/58 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:41] Table wp_calendarista_auth restoration took 0.76787 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:41] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_availability 14/272 (5.15%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:41] Progress of wp_calendarista_availability: 78/196 (39.80%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:42] Progress of wp_calendarista_availability: 194/196 (98.98%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:42] Progress of wp_calendarista_availability: 196/196 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:42] Table wp_calendarista_availability restoration took 1.28008 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:42] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_availability_booked 15/272 (5.51%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:42] Progress of wp_calendarista_availability_booked: 55/193 (28.50%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:43] Progress of wp_calendarista_availability_booked: 191/193 (98.96%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:43] Progress of wp_calendarista_availability_booked: 193/193 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:43] Table wp_calendarista_availability_booked restoration took 1.69180 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:43] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_billing_info 16/272 (5.88%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:43] Progress of wp_calendarista_billing_info: 35/37 (94.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:44] Progress of wp_calendarista_billing_info: 37/37 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:44] Table wp_calendarista_billing_info restoration took 1.09310 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:44] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_coupons 17/272 (6.25%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:44] Progress of wp_calendarista_coupons: 35/37 (94.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:44] Progress of wp_calendarista_coupons: 37/37 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:44] Table wp_calendarista_coupons restoration took 0.71988 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:44] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_dynamic_field 18/272 (6.62%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:44] Progress of wp_calendarista_dynamic_field: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:45] Progress of wp_calendarista_dynamic_field: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:45] Table wp_calendarista_dynamic_field restoration took 1.12681 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:45] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_dynamic_field_booked 19/272 (6.99%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:46] Progress of wp_calendarista_dynamic_field_booked: 33/35 (94.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:46] Progress of wp_calendarista_dynamic_field_booked: 35/35 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:46] Table wp_calendarista_dynamic_field_booked restoration took 1.17854 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:46] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_dynamic_field_pricing 20/272 (7.35%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:46] Progress of wp_calendarista_dynamic_field_pricing: 29/31 (93.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:46] Progress of wp_calendarista_dynamic_field_pricing: 31/31 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:46] Table wp_calendarista_dynamic_field_pricing restoration took 0.56495 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:46] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_error_log 21/272 (7.72%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:46] Progress of wp_calendarista_error_log: 28/30 (93.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:46] Progress of wp_calendarista_error_log: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:46] Table wp_calendarista_error_log restoration took 0.88346 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:46] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_feeds 22/272 (8.09%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:47] Progress of wp_calendarista_feeds: 32/34 (94.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:47] Progress of wp_calendarista_feeds: 34/34 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:47] Table wp_calendarista_feeds restoration took 1.22107 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:47] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_formelement 23/272 (8.46%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:47] Progress of wp_calendarista_formelement: 39/147 (26.53%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:47] Progress of wp_calendarista_formelement: 145/147 (98.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:47] Progress of wp_calendarista_formelement: 147/147 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:47] Table wp_calendarista_formelement restoration took 0.84413 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:47] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_formelement_booked 24/272 (8.82%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:48] Progress of wp_calendarista_formelement_booked: 32/118 (27.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:48] Progress of wp_calendarista_formelement_booked: 116/118 (98.31%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:48] Progress of wp_calendarista_formelement_booked: 118/118 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:48] Table wp_calendarista_formelement_booked restoration took 1.38977 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:48] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_gcal 25/272 (9.19%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:48] Progress of wp_calendarista_gcal: 33/35 (94.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:48] Progress of wp_calendarista_gcal: 35/35 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:48] Table wp_calendarista_gcal restoration took 0.78704 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:48] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_gcal_profile 26/272 (9.56%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:49] Progress of wp_calendarista_gcal_profile: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:49] Progress of wp_calendarista_gcal_profile: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:49] Table wp_calendarista_gcal_profile restoration took 1.22134 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:49] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_gdpr 27/272 (9.93%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:49] Progress of wp_calendarista_gdpr: 28/30 (93.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:49] Progress of wp_calendarista_gdpr: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:49] Table wp_calendarista_gdpr restoration took 0.64563 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:49] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_holidays 28/272 (10.29%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:49] Progress of wp_calendarista_holidays: 30/548 (5.47%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:50] Progress of wp_calendarista_holidays: 546/548 (99.64%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:50] Progress of wp_calendarista_holidays: 548/548 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:50] Table wp_calendarista_holidays restoration took 1.30685 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:50] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_map 29/272 (10.66%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:50] Progress of wp_calendarista_map: 77/79 (97.47%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:50] Progress of wp_calendarista_map: 79/79 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:50] Table wp_calendarista_map restoration took 0.65352 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:50] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_map_booked 30/272 (11.03%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:50] Progress of wp_calendarista_map_booked: 37/39 (94.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:50] Progress of wp_calendarista_map_booked: 39/39 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:50] Table wp_calendarista_map_booked restoration took 0.97382 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:51] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_optional 31/272 (11.40%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:51] Progress of wp_calendarista_optional: 33/35 (94.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:51] Progress of wp_calendarista_optional: 35/35 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:51] Table wp_calendarista_optional restoration took 0.30918 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:51] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_optional_group 32/272 (11.76%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:51] Progress of wp_calendarista_optional_group: 32/34 (94.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:51] Progress of wp_calendarista_optional_group: 34/34 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:51] Table wp_calendarista_optional_group restoration took 0.63404 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:51] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_optionals_booked 33/272 (12.13%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:51] Progress of wp_calendarista_optionals_booked: 35/37 (94.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:51] Progress of wp_calendarista_optionals_booked: 37/37 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:51] Table wp_calendarista_optionals_booked restoration took 0.97977 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:52] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_order 34/272 (12.50%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:52] Progress of wp_calendarista_order: 56/198 (28.28%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:52] Progress of wp_calendarista_order: 196/198 (98.99%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:52] Progress of wp_calendarista_order: 198/198 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:52] Table wp_calendarista_order restoration took 0.69144 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:52] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_place 35/272 (12.87%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:52] Progress of wp_calendarista_place: 39/41 (95.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:53] Progress of wp_calendarista_place: 41/41 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:53] Table wp_calendarista_place restoration took 1.02032 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:53] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_place_aggregate_cost 36/272 (13.24%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:53] Progress of wp_calendarista_place_aggregate_cost: 32/34 (94.12%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:53] Progress of wp_calendarista_place_aggregate_cost: 34/34 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:53] Table wp_calendarista_place_aggregate_cost restoration took 0.33878 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:53] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_pricing_scheme 37/272 (13.60%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:53] Progress of wp_calendarista_pricing_scheme: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:53] Progress of wp_calendarista_pricing_scheme: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:53] Table wp_calendarista_pricing_scheme restoration took 0.67102 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:53] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_project 38/272 (13.97%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:53] Progress of wp_calendarista_project: 46/100 (46.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:53] Progress of wp_calendarista_project: 98/100 (98.00%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:54] Progress of wp_calendarista_project: 100/100 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:54] Table wp_calendarista_project restoration took 1.17763 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:54] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_reminders 39/272 (14.34%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:54] Progress of wp_calendarista_reminders: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:54] Progress of wp_calendarista_reminders: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:54] Table wp_calendarista_reminders restoration took 0.62349 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:54] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_roles 40/272 (14.71%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:54] Progress of wp_calendarista_roles: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:54] Progress of wp_calendarista_roles: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:54] Table wp_calendarista_roles restoration took 0.94345 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:55] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_season 41/272 (15.07%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:55] Progress of wp_calendarista_season: 37/39 (94.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:55] Progress of wp_calendarista_season: 39/39 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:55] Table wp_calendarista_season restoration took 0.61996 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:55] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_settings 42/272 (15.44%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:55] Progress of wp_calendarista_settings: 28/76 (36.84%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:55] Progress of wp_calendarista_settings: 74/76 (97.37%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:56] Progress of wp_calendarista_settings: 76/76 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:56] Table wp_calendarista_settings restoration took 1.13873 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:56] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_staff 43/272 (15.81%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:56] Progress of wp_calendarista_staff: 34/62 (54.84%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:56] Progress of wp_calendarista_staff: 60/62 (96.77%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:56] Progress of wp_calendarista_staff: 62/62 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:56] Table wp_calendarista_staff restoration took 0.65138 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:56] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_staging 44/272 (16.18%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:56] Progress of wp_calendarista_staging: 28/30 (93.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:57] Progress of wp_calendarista_staging: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:57] Table wp_calendarista_staging restoration took 1.01971 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:57] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_string_resources 45/272 (16.54%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:57] Progress of wp_calendarista_string_resources: 28/30 (93.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:57] Progress of wp_calendarista_string_resources: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:57] Table wp_calendarista_string_resources restoration took 0.33619 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:57] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_style 46/272 (16.91%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:57] Progress of wp_calendarista_style: 28/46 (60.87%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:57] Progress of wp_calendarista_style: 44/46 (95.65%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:57] Progress of wp_calendarista_style: 46/46 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:57] Table wp_calendarista_style restoration took 0.86305 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:57] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_timeslot 47/272 (17.28%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:58] Progress of wp_calendarista_timeslot: 37/1678 (2.21%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:58] Progress of wp_calendarista_timeslot: 1676/1678 (99.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:58] Progress of wp_calendarista_timeslot: 1678/1678 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:58] Table wp_calendarista_timeslot restoration took 1.49359 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:58] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_waypoint 48/272 (17.65%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:58] Progress of wp_calendarista_waypoint: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:58] Progress of wp_calendarista_waypoint: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:58] Table wp_calendarista_waypoint restoration took 0.80802 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:58] Started restoration of wp_calendarista_waypoint_booked 49/272 (18.01%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:59] Progress of wp_calendarista_waypoint_booked: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:59] Progress of wp_calendarista_waypoint_booked: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:59] Table wp_calendarista_waypoint_booked restoration took 1.15898 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:59] Started restoration of wp_cf7dbplugin_submits 50/272 (18.38%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:59] Progress of wp_cf7dbplugin_submits: 33/2235 (1.48%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:59] Progress of wp_cf7dbplugin_submits: 2233/2235 (99.91%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:59] Progress of wp_cf7dbplugin_submits: 2235/2235 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:14:59] Table wp_cf7dbplugin_submits restoration took 0.80932 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:14:59] Started restoration of wp_commentmeta 51/272 (18.75%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:00] Progress of wp_commentmeta: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:00] Progress of wp_commentmeta: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:15:00] Table wp_commentmeta restoration took 1.18302 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:00] Started restoration of wp_comments 52/272 (19.12%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:00] Progress of wp_comments: 46/2500 (1.84%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:00] Progress of wp_comments: 2498/2500 (99.92%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:00] Progress of wp_comments: 2500/2500 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:15:00] Table wp_comments restoration took 0.95930 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:02] Started restoration of wp_compare_tables 53/272 (19.49%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:02] Progress of wp_compare_tables: 29/42 (69.05%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:03] Progress of wp_compare_tables: 40/42 (95.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:03] Progress of wp_compare_tables: 42/42 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:15:03] Table wp_compare_tables restoration took 1.26119 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:03] Started restoration of wp_compare_tables_columns 54/272 (19.85%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:03] Progress of wp_compare_tables_columns: 31/82 (37.80%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:03] Progress of wp_compare_tables_columns: 80/82 (97.56%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:03] Progress of wp_compare_tables_columns: 82/82 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:15:03] Table wp_compare_tables_columns restoration took 0.88082 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:04] Started restoration of wp_compare_tables_rows 55/272 (20.22%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:04] Progress of wp_compare_tables_rows: 28/30 (93.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:04] Progress of wp_compare_tables_rows: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:15:04] Table wp_compare_tables_rows restoration took 0.20187 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:04] Started restoration of wp_compare_tables_values 56/272 (20.59%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:04] Progress of wp_compare_tables_values: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:04] Progress of wp_compare_tables_values: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:15:04] Table wp_compare_tables_values restoration took 0.53916 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:04] Started restoration of wp_crm_log 57/272 (20.96%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:04] Progress of wp_crm_log: 40/42 (95.24%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:04] Progress of wp_crm_log: 42/42 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:15:04] Table wp_crm_log restoration took 0.88755 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:05] Started restoration of wp_crm_log_meta 58/272 (21.32%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:05] Progress of wp_crm_log_meta: 30/32 (93.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:05] Progress of wp_crm_log_meta: 32/32 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:15:05] Table wp_crm_log_meta restoration took 0.19524 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:05] Started restoration of wp_e_events 59/272 (21.69%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:05] Progress of wp_e_events: 29/31 (93.55%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:05] Progress of wp_e_events: 31/31 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:15:05] Table wp_e_events restoration took 0.94747 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:06] Started restoration of wp_failed_jobs 60/272 (22.06%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:06] Progress of wp_failed_jobs: 28/30 (93.33%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:06] Progress of wp_failed_jobs: 30/30 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:15:06] Table wp_failed_jobs restoration took 0.26034 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:06] Started restoration of wp_fvm_cache 61/272 (22.43%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:06] Progress of wp_fvm_cache: 34/36 (94.44%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:07] Progress of wp_fvm_cache: 36/36 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:15:07] Table wp_fvm_cache restoration took 1.03357 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:07] Started restoration of wp_fvm_logs 62/272 (22.79%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:07] Progress of wp_fvm_logs: 34/36 (94.44%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:07] Progress of wp_fvm_logs: 36/36 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:15:07] Table wp_fvm_logs restoration took 0.65112 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:08] Started restoration of wp_gf_addon_feed 63/272 (23.16%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:08] Progress of wp_gf_addon_feed: 33/89 (37.08%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:08] Progress of wp_gf_addon_feed: 87/89 (97.75%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:08] Progress of wp_gf_addon_feed: 89/89 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:15:08] Table wp_gf_addon_feed restoration took 0.87185 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:09] Started restoration of wp_gf_addon_payment_callback 64/272 (23.53%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:09] Progress of wp_gf_addon_payment_callback: 31/33 (93.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:09] Progress of wp_gf_addon_payment_callback: 33/33 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:15:09] Table wp_gf_addon_payment_callback restoration took 0.25555 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:09] Started restoration of wp_gf_addon_payment_transaction 65/272 (23.90%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:09] Progress of wp_gf_addon_payment_transaction: 36/38 (94.74%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:10] Progress of wp_gf_addon_payment_transaction: 38/38 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:15:10] Table wp_gf_addon_payment_transaction restoration took 1.16191 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:10] Started restoration of wp_gf_draft_submissions 66/272 (24.26%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:10] Progress of wp_gf_draft_submissions: 33/35 (94.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:10] Progress of wp_gf_draft_submissions: 35/35 (100.00%)
    [SUCCESS] [2022-07-26 05:15:10] Table wp_gf_draft_submissions restoration took 0.75887 seconds
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:10] Started restoration of wp_gf_entry 67/272 (24.63%) table
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:10] Progress of wp_gf_entry: 47/845966 (0.01%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:18] Progress of wp_gf_entry: 18451/845966 (2.18%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:15:41] Progress of wp_gf_entry: 36855/845966 (4.36%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:16:36] Progress of wp_gf_entry: 55259/845966 (6.53%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:17:26] Progress of wp_gf_entry: 73663/845966 (8.71%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:18:29] Progress of wp_gf_entry: 92067/845966 (10.88%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:19:47] Progress of wp_gf_entry: 110471/845966 (13.06%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:21:19] Progress of wp_gf_entry: 128875/845966 (15.23%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:23:05] Progress of wp_gf_entry: 147279/845966 (17.41%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:25:05] Progress of wp_gf_entry: 165683/845966 (19.59%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:27:19] Progress of wp_gf_entry: 184087/845966 (21.76%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:29:47] Progress of wp_gf_entry: 202491/845966 (23.94%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:32:31] Progress of wp_gf_entry: 220895/845966 (26.11%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:35:38] Progress of wp_gf_entry: 239299/845966 (28.29%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:39:01] Progress of wp_gf_entry: 257703/845966 (30.46%)
    [INFO] [2022-07-26 05:42:40] Progress of wp_gf_entry: 276107/845966 (32.64%)
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] File downloaded on (server time): 2022-07-26 05:44:06
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (seconds): 1736 seconds ago
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (date): 2022-07-26 05:15:10

Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @dotsey

    As it’s quite common issue, we decided to rewrite method of database backup/restore. It will be officially included in upcoming release (soon).

    For now I can share you beta version which includes new method of database backup and restoration (still under development, that version does not work with backups created with older versions yet).

    You can download mentioned beta version here:

    Simply, install it on both websites, make new backup and try to run the restoration using new file. It should be much quicker and stable.

    Before restoration, you can also disable PHP CLI checking and clear temporary files of previous restoration:
    1. Go to “Other options” section
    2. Disable PHP CLI checking: https://prnt.sc/1sljr31
    3. Save “Other options” section
    4. Force stop both processes: https://prnt.sc/1trv1tm

    Let me know if that resolves your issue ??
    Thank you!

    Plugin Author iClyde


    As we didn’t hear any reply in last days.
    I can assume that you resolved the issue.

    Feel free to open new topic if I am wrong!
    Thank you ??

Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • The topic ‘The restoring process ran into some difficulties’ is closed to new replies.