• auconet



    I am a newbie with WordPress & the site i’ve made for collecting articles by most excited topics on the net such as: Google Adsense, Business, Credit, Currency Trading, Debt Consolidation, Debt Relief, E-Commerce, Loans, Medicine, Small Business, Stocks Mutual Funds, Tourism…

    I’d love some feedbacks, and if you want a tutorial on how I did this, post a comment!

    Link: [www.adsenserush.com]


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  • obscure


    LOL I looked at your site if FF and thought it was broken. Used IE tab to check and realised it was just FFs Adblock extension blocking out the ads ??

    Thread Starter auconet


    thank for visiting my site, hope that you like it and we can do exchanging links.



    Nice looking site. Try to see your ajax archive plugin but got only “not found” in the archive page?

    The ajax tutorial demo link [www.adsenserush.com/wp-content/tutorials/ajax/ajax.html] also doesn’t work?

    Thread Starter auconet


    you mean these ones?

    hope you like it,




    Yes, auconet, I got to those pages but when I clicked on the link it took me to nowhere (except “Not Found”). E.g. at this page [www.adsenserush.com/wordpress/wp-archiver-wp-ajax-archive-plugin-102.html] near the end you wrote “….result can be seen at the archives”. Click on archives I got only “not found”. Where is the ajax thing?



    Great, more spam!

    Nice lookin site, shame it is being wasted.





    Hi there auconet. I was wondering where you found my site. I guess it was here.

    1. You are publishing at least 12 pieces of my copyrighted material on your website, adsenserush. This is illegal and completely unethical.

    Example: Article on my site:

    On your site:

    My writer spent the better part of 2 days writing that piece. How many seconds did you spend stealing it?

    2. I have notified Google’s Adsense abuse dept. of your web site’s copyright infringement and blatant made-for-adsense design. You should hear from them soon.

    Don’t worry. I hear Yahoo has an ad program, too.

    3. I have contacted your host, BlueHost and notified them that one of their sites is publishing other people’s work without credit or a link on his site. They have written it up and on Monday the abuse department at Blue Host will take a look.

    4. The work you stole was written by journalism students at one of the best-known journalism schools in the country. This was a bad move on your part. We have several media lawyers who teach our courses. I have contacted one and we will begin legal action immediately unless you remove all the stolen content from your web site.

    I look forward to hearing from you. You can contact me via:

    WordPress forum people, what do you think of this situation?



    Good for you MrFlora, hope you nail the scumbag.



    WordPress forum people, what do you think of this situation?

    What else can we think? If true it’s detestable what auconet has done, and (again, if true), I would hope Google and his host do the right thing and drop him like a lead balloon.

    Note that I’ve moderated a number of posts in this thread to deprive the site of its ‘Google juice’ from the support forums.



    Hopefully that site will be dropped by both Google and the host shortly.

    MrFlora, I would suggest adding a devoted page (I couldn’t see one on your site) to both your copyright terms and a legal disclaimer. I know you have a general exclusivity clause in your footer, but a …/copyright page is usually advisable. I’m sure one of your medial lawyers will be able to draft the relevant content for you.



    Thats a good suggestion. I should have done that from the start and will do it shortly.

    I’ve switched off my RSS feed completely as I realize its not serving my purposes really.

    Also………….it appears the person in question completely revamped his site last night and has removed all of my content from it. I have no idea what he’s doing as his site is supposed to be about adsense and instead had all sorts of Chicago news all over it. Weird.



    He’s running an end-around…. but the wayback machine and/or google cache will still out him.



    Hmm, actually I take that back.

    I was looking at adsenserush.com as opposed to adsenserush.net.

    He’s still got all that content on there…bummer.

    We’ll see how Google deals with him.



    Yah. You’re right…. hmmm. Well, the thing that amazes me the most is that this person had the BALLS to post this here and expect us to all fall over in amazement at his site….


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