• Hello,

    I can’t fixed the problem with license key that can activate all my Products. With the same license key i can activate all my products from 1-100 $ price. i’m using the following plugins:

    WooCommerce 3.1.2 Link
    Software License Manager 3.1 Link
    WC Software License Manager 1.0.7 Link
    Software License Manager – Product control 2.2 Link

    What should i edit in this code?

    Plugin Name: Software License Manager - Product control
    Plugin URI: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/the-same-licence-key-can-activate-all-my-prodcts/
    Description: Software Licence Manager plugin, who check product name, when &product_id= is in activaton/deactivation querry.
    I v2.1 Splitting with explode ' - '. To find App name after the Unique Transaction ID eks. '23 - Demo Product - variable price option'.
    I v2.2 Avoid deactivating licence with random licence code. 
    Version: v2.2
    Author: Per Emil S
    Author URI: 
    License URI: 
    //Software Licence Manager
    //check product name on the activation/deactivation of a license key
    //original from https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-to-determine-license-belonging-to-product/
    add_action('slm_api_listener_slm_activate', 'check_license_and_product_on_slm' );
    add_action('slm_api_listener_slm_deactivate', 'check_license_and_product_on_slm' );
    function check_license_and_product_on_slm() {
       if (isset($_REQUEST['product_id'])) {
          $post_prod_name = trim(strip_tags($_REQUEST['product_id']));
          $key = trim(strip_tags($_REQUEST['license_key']));
    	global $wpdb;
    	$tbl_name = SLM_TBL_LICENSE_KEYS;
    	//find dbrow where licence code is.
    	$sql_prep1 = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE license_key = %s", $key);
    	$retLic = $wpdb->get_row($sql_prep1, OBJECT);
        //get Unique Transaction ID from SLM(Easy Digital Downloads + EDD Software License Manager gives:"023 - Demo Product - variable price option").
    	$txn_product_name = $retLic->txn_id;
        //get product name from Unique Transaction ID.
    	//$$txn_product_name = '20 - Arrow';
    	list($explode_id, $explode_name, $explode_option) = explode(" - ", $txn_product_name);
    	  //uncomment for debug.
    	  //$args = (array('result' => 'debug', 'message' => 'explode_name: ' . $explode_name . " + product_id: " . $product_id));
    	  //v2.2: Prevent deactivation with random code.
       if ($retLic){ //db row funnet med lisens kode
    			//send error if transaction product name is not POST product name.
    			if ($explode_name != $post_prod_name) {	 //produkt navn for kode okke lik vedlagt produkt navn 
    				$args = (array('result' => 'error', 'message' => 'Your license key was not issued for this product'));
    			//if go past her, then its ok. (no error)
    	   else{ //no db row found for licence code
    		    $args = (array('result' => 'error', 'message' => 'License code unknown'));

    Kind regards,


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by kitzu.
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  • Thread Starter kitzu



    How can i fix the problem with the license key that can activate all of my products ? One license should activate only one product [wordpress theme].
    I’ll need to make it work with the following plugin: SLM WooCoomerce Addon .

    WooCommerce 3.1.2
    Software License Manager 3.1
    SLM WooCoomerce Addon 2.1 Link
    Software License Manager – Product control 2.2

    I already tried:

    Solution 1
    Solution 2
    Solution 3

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by kitzu. Reason: updated
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by kitzu.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by kitzu.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by kitzu.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by kitzu.

    Your Plugins looks correct, and should work without modifying anything.
    To get ‘Software License Manager – Product control’ to work, check these two things:
    How is your activation querry looking? have you added ‘&product_id=The app name’ ?

    your unique transaction id format is wrong by some reason. should be like this:
    If i remember right, this format is made by SLM WooCoomerce Addon.

    Hope you get it sorted.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by supermagna. Reason: the image
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by supermagna. Reason: img.. no preview here
    Thread Starter kitzu



    Thank you for your answer, but i don’t get it work.

    I use the following plugins:
    WooCommerce 3.1.2
    Software License Manager 3.1
    SLM WooCoomerce Addon 2.1 Link
    Software License Manager – Product control 2.2


    What should i modify and where?


    // This is the secret key for API authentication. You configured it in the settings menu of the license manager plugin.
    define('YOUR_SPECIAL_SECRET_KEY', '59c01e7b7b9365.44459486'); //Rename this constant name so it is specific to your plugin or theme.
    // This is the URL where API query request will be sent to. This should be the URL of the site where you have installed the main license manager plugin. Get this value from the integration help page.
    define('YOUR_LICENSE_SERVER_URL', 'https://www.domain.com/wp/wp3-beta-testing'); //Rename this constant name so it is specific to your plugin or theme.
    // This is a value that will be recorded in the license manager data so you can identify licenses for this item/product.
    define('YOUR_ITEM_REFERENCE', 'YOUR_ITEM_REFERENCE'); //Rename this constant name so it is specific to your plugin or theme.
    add_action('admin_menu', 'slm_sample_license_menu');
    function slm_sample_license_menu() {
    //   add_options_page('Sample License Activation Menu', 'Sample License', 'manage_options', __FILE__, 'sample_license_management_page');
         add_menu_page('Sample License Activation Menu', 'Theme License', 'manage_options', __FILE__, 'sample_license_management_page');
    function sample_license_management_page() {
        echo '<div class="wrap">';
        echo '<h2>Sample License Management</h2>';
        /*** License activate button was clicked ***/
        if (isset($_REQUEST['activate_license'])) {
            $license_key = $_REQUEST['sample_license_key'];
            // API query parameters
            $api_params = array(
                'slm_action' => 'slm_activate',
                'secret_key' => YOUR_SPECIAL_SECRET_KEY,
                'license_key' => $license_key,
                'registered_domain' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],
                'item_reference' => urlencode(YOUR_ITEM_REFERENCE),
            // Send query to the license manager server
            $query = esc_url_raw(add_query_arg($api_params, YOUR_LICENSE_SERVER_URL));
            $response = wp_remote_get($query, array('timeout' => 20, 'sslverify' => false));
            // Check for error in the response
            if (is_wp_error($response)){
                echo "Unexpected Error! The query returned with an error.";
            //var_dump($response);//uncomment it if you want to look at the full response
            // License data.
            $license_data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response));
            // TODO - Do something with it.
            //var_dump($license_data);//uncomment it to look at the data
            if($license_data->result == 'success'){//Success was returned for the license activation
                //Uncomment the followng line to see the message that returned from the license server
                echo '<br />The following message was returned from the server: '.$license_data->message;
                //Save the license key in the options table
                update_option('sample_license_key', $license_key); 
                //Show error to the user. Probably entered incorrect license key.
                //Uncomment the followng line to see the message that returned from the license server
                echo '<br />The following message was returned from the server: '.$license_data->message;
        /*** End of license activation ***/
        /*** License activate button was clicked ***/
        if (isset($_REQUEST['deactivate_license'])) {
            $license_key = $_REQUEST['sample_license_key'];
            // API query parameters
            $api_params = array(
                'slm_action' => 'slm_deactivate',
                'secret_key' => YOUR_SPECIAL_SECRET_KEY,
                'license_key' => $license_key,
                'registered_domain' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],
                'item_reference' => urlencode(YOUR_ITEM_REFERENCE),
            // Send query to the license manager server
            $query = esc_url_raw(add_query_arg($api_params, YOUR_LICENSE_SERVER_URL));
            $response = wp_remote_get($query, array('timeout' => 20, 'sslverify' => false));
            // Check for error in the response
            if (is_wp_error($response)){
                echo "Unexpected Error! The query returned with an error.";
            //var_dump($response);//uncomment it if you want to look at the full response
            // License data.
            $license_data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response));
            // TODO - Do something with it.
            //var_dump($license_data);//uncomment it to look at the data
            if($license_data->result == 'success'){//Success was returned for the license activation
                //Uncomment the followng line to see the message that returned from the license server
                echo '<br />The following message was returned from the server: '.$license_data->message;
                //Remove the licensse key from the options table. It will need to be activated again.
                update_option('sample_license_key', '');
                //Show error to the user. Probably entered incorrect license key.
                //Uncomment the followng line to see the message that returned from the license server
                echo '<br />The following message was returned from the server: '.$license_data->message;
        /*** End of sample license deactivation ***/
        <p>Please enter the license key for this product to activate it. You were given a license key when you purchased this item. <br> If you don't own a license key please <A HREF="https://www.domain.com" target="_blank">Click Here to Buy it</A> </p>
        <form action="" method="post">
            <table class="form-table">
                    <th style="width:100px;"><label for="sample_license_key">License Key</label></th>
                    <td ><input class="regular-text" type="text" id="sample_license_key" name="sample_license_key"  value="<?php echo get_option('sample_license_key'); ?>" ></td>
            <p class="submit">
                <input type="submit" name="activate_license" value="Activate" class="button-primary" />
                <input type="submit" name="deactivate_license" value="Deactivate" class="button" />
        echo '</div>';
    //// END CODE LICENSE - PART 1 ////
    //// START CODE LICENSE - PART 2 ////
     /*** Verify license key is active ***/
    	$api_params = array(
    		'slm_action' => 'slm_check',
    		'secret_key' => '59c01e7b7b9365.44459486',
    		'license_key' => get_option('sample_license_key'), //replace with your license key field name.
    	// Send query to the license manager server
    	$response = wp_remote_get(add_query_arg($api_params, YOUR_LICENSE_SERVER_URL), array('timeout' => 20, 'sslverify' => false));
    	$license_data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response));
    	global $active, $message;
    	if($license_data->result == 'success'){?>
    	<?php }else{ ?>
                  <script>alert('Activate License Key for your Theme! Go to your WordPress admin and simply paste your license key on the Theme License, and save your changes');</script>
            <?php }
    //// END CODE LICENSE - PART 2 ////

    I’m using this system in windows software, so Im not sure in your example.
    Maybe you could try something as simple as possible and see what works, and what not.
    Try Post Request Tester and see what responce is.
    Try post:
    This should be expected result:
    {“result”:”error”,”message”:”Verification API secret key is invalid”,”error_code”:90}

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