i have been dealin with the problem like crazy…tryin to set up my site to look good in IE as it does in FF.
in FF i can compress my window to like 3×3 ans still have a side bar…in IE as soon as the page element hits either an image in the side bar or and image in the side bar hits the narrow colum it drops…with the web builder tool bar add on for FF on my browser i can outline the elements and watch it happen as i compare IE to FF.
https://www.bcoffroad.ca is the one im workin on right now…its the defualt theme but modified a smidge.
the only solution ive got so far is conditional comments for IE with all my content moved to undisirable locations so the browser can go to a crappy but common rez without dropin it….looks like crap in IE but im gettin close.
wish there was a quik fix and i im hopin ill find it in a day or soo…lol