• Resolved Sudeep Acharya



    The latest update broke the layout of the website.

    Then I reverted to the parent theme but the customisations in the CSS are also lost which are part of the theme options.

    Sudeep Acharya

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  • Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    You can see the changelog in page:

    Search that page for “changelog”

    Apologies, I thought the question was related to this topic.

    Anyways, I managed to find the change log.


    @andrew: I managed to find it and you posted before I could say so.

    Thanks for the quick response though.

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya


    @ Electricfeet- I’ll check it by evening and let you know of the development.

    @ Nikeo- There are issues with the parent theme as well after update.
    My customised css in the ‘Customizr theme panel options’ are not working.Also I see my h2 title twice while using IE8.

    Sudeep Acharya


    this notice appear after i update the latest version of customizr, i used child theme but the notice appear even after i revert to the parent theme

    below is the notice i received;

    Notice: Undefined index: tc_debug_box in /home/careerwo/public_html/wp-content/themes/customizr/inc/class-fire-debug.php on line 718

    please advise, thanks

    Theme Author presscustomizr


    @sudeep : You website looks fine to me in IE8.
    About the customized CSS, that is pretty weird. Please give us a feedback if you did find a solution to that!

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    @careerwo, please create your own thread to discuss that https://www.ads-software.com/support/theme/customizr#postform

    Dealing with everyone’s issue at the same time is overwhelming for people (volunteers) who don’t have much time to spend on the forums.

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya


    @ nic- thank you for the response…got rid of those files and it’s pretty fine.
    @ rdellconsulting and Electricfeet- Please refer to my post
    I’m using the same code but it’s not working now.

    Please help me to remove them.

    Sudeep Acharya

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya



    Any update to hide ‘category archives’?

    Sudeep Acharya

    @nikeo What Sudeep used to do was remove the phrase “Category Archives:” from his pages (e.g. this one), leaving just the title of the category (in the link above, leaving just the title “Online Vandana”). He did this with CSS I supplied, which worked:

    .archive-title, .archive-meta, .entry-meta {
    display: none;

    In 3.0.10 it doesn’t work any more and I can’t figure out which CSS class to target to eliminate “Category Archives:” without also eliminating the category title.

    It looks like the only solution now is to edit line 422 of class-content-post-list.php. Would you agree?

    Theme Author presscustomizr


    I recommend to never modify the core if possible. In this case you can filter the category header rendering function with this code in your functions.php file (of your child theme).

    add_filter( 'tc_category_header', 'my_category_header' );
    function my_category_header($html) {
    	 <header class="archive-header">
            <h1 class="format-icon">
            	<span><?php echo single_cat_title( '' , false )?></span>
            <?php if ( category_description() ) : // Show an optional category description ?>
              <div class="archive-meta"><?php echo category_description(); ?></div>
            <?php endif; ?>
          </header><!-- .archive-header -->

    So he cannot do this anymore in CSS in 3.0.10?

    Theme Author presscustomizr


    I don’t see a trick to do that in CSS.

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya


    Thank You Electricfeet and Nik for the support.

    Will post the update of the development.

    Sudeep Acharya

    Thread Starter Sudeep Acharya



    The above code is not working for me.

    I uploaded the functions.php(downloaded from the parent theme) in my child theme and added the above code at the bottom of the file and to my shock I found an

    ‘error establishing the database connection’.

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Please clarify.

    Thank you for the support as always.

    Sudeep Acharya

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