• The uploaded file could not be moved to /home/username/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/05

    is the error received when importing an XML exported from another site (both 2.7.1).

    The original site has this folder, it is empty. Why a non existent file cannot be moved I am not sure.

    What other migration options exist if the export / import is going to fail?


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  • I am also having this issue in a freshly installed 2.8.4:
    “The uploaded file could not be moved to C:\Inetpub\vhosts\mfcgc.org\httpdocs/wp-content/uploads/2009/10.”

    I have changed permissions to 777 on the xml file itself.
    Also changed permissions to 777 on wp-content, uploads, 2009, and 10.

    Is the import tool trying to copy the xml file to wp-content/uploads/2009/10? I’ve already put it there using FTP. Maybe I can bypass that part of the Import script, how do I locate it?

    Using your FTP client set the file permissions for /wp-content/uploads to 777. NB: Be sure to choose ‘Recurse into subdirectories’ so any sub directories also get 777 applied to them.

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