• I recently updgraded from 2.0 to the new 2.0.1 and somehow I must have done something to get this error message when I try to upload a picture:

    The uploaded file could not be moved to .

    Can someone let me know what its referencing and what/where I need to fix?

    Thanks so much

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  • No need to create directories. What you need to do is simply make sure the existing ones allow for writing.

    Your error (above) leads me to believe the directory /07/ is not set to 777. Confirm.

    I’m still having problems is there i can email my info maybe you check in admin to see whats wrong?? when your free?

    Actually I would need ftp user/pass to check permissions. You can eamil me from my site…

    hi friends, strange things happen, i am still suffering from the same problem, cannot add pictures to wp …
    i can see my uploaded *.jpg pictures and thumbnails neatly sitting in /wp-content/uploads/2006/.
    both dirs /wp-content and /uploads have my
    user-id : admin
    user-group : psacln
    permissions : 777
    however the *.jpg pictures come with a strange
    user-id : wwwrun
    user-group : www
    permissions : 755 (pics) or 511 (thumbs)
    i cannot chgrp or chown those files from plesk admin tool.
    i hope this helps ?
    thanks a lot, uhu

    update : i used the ssh terminal to add the
    usergroup : www
    user : wwwrun
    now i can post and post
    cheers, uhu

    I wanted to say that using FileZilla, copying the uploads folder to my desktop, deleting the current folder from the server, reuploading the folder from my desktop to the server, then changing all permissions to 777 worked for me!!!

    Also had the “The uploaded file could not be moved to .” error and found that the only fix was to download the entire uploads dir, delete the uploads dir on my server, create a new uploads dir, CHMOD it to 777, upload the files back to the uploads dir.

    It’s exactly as josepo said in his response.

    There is one possible reason for this error that has not been discussed here. And that is if PHP is configured to run in SAFE MODE.

    When PHP runs in SAFE MODE it is blocks all attempts for php scripts to access files that are owned by another user than the executing script.

    To allow the uploads there are two possibilities:

    1. Set safe_mode = Off in php.ini (this will severly lower the security level of your php installation).

    2. Set safe_mode_gid=On in php.ini
    setup the upload directory with sticky bits: chmod 7777 wp-content/uploads
    If you’re using the year/month setup set the sticky bits on the year-folders aswell. Make sure that the group on all the folders is the same as the owner of the php-scripts (normally the user account).

    Hope this helps…

    Josepo, thanks for your post. I just did the same and it worked!

    I guess this would work fine on a linux based server, but what about a windows based server where permissions cannot be changed?

    It looks like this issue was resolved.

    I had the same problem and had to actually go down in and set the permissions to every folder down to the month. So to avoid future months folders not being able to be created / written, I went to Options > Miscellaneous in the Admin panel and unticked the checkbox there.

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