The Security menu named Debug does not appear after adding the code to the wp-config.php
System information from another plugin:
Operating System: Linux
Server: Apache / 2.4.6
Memory Usage: 34.13MB
MYSQL version: 5.7.22-22
SQL mode: Not installed
PHP version: 7.0.29
PHP allow fopen () for the URL (allow_url_fopen): On.
PHP memory limit: 268435456
PHP max. download size: 1024M
PHP max. article size: 100M
PHP max. Script execution time: 30
PHP Exif support: Yes (V7.0.)
Support for PHP IPTC: Yes
PHP XML support: Yes
Site URL:
Homepage URL:
WordPress version: 4.9.6
WordPress Database Version: 38590
Multisite: No
Active Topic: MesoColumn
The main page shows: posts
Visibility of a site for search engines: 1
Setting up permanent links: /% postname%
Active Plugins:
All In One SEO Pack 2.6.1
Autoptimize 2.3.4
Flat Profit Maker 2.32
Function.PHP 1.0
Hide Links 1.4.2
Hierarchical HTML Sitemap 1.3
iThemes Security 7.0.3
Kama SpamBlock
No Category Base (WPML) 1.3
Subscribe To Comments 2.3
W3 Total Cache 0.9.7
Inactive Plugins:
Advanced Database Cleaner 2.0.0
Search Regex 1.4.16
WP-Optimize 2.2.4
WP Rocket 2.11.6