• Looks like my site isn’t adjusting for daylight savings. An entry posted at 10:19 today is marked 11:19 on my site. Here’s my PHP:
    <?php the_time(‘M j, Y @ g:i a’,display); ?>
    Is this a problem with WordPress?

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  • I imagine that is a server issue?

    WordPress relies on the server settings to get it’s time. If your server is based anywhere outside of the DST area, then you’re posts are going to be off.

    If your server doesn’t account for DST you can use the PHP date option to set it.

    Thread Starter emsdc


    But the PHP date function won’t return the date/time of the post, right?
    It will return the current date/time, I think.

    You use the PHP date function options in the default date and time settings in WP.

    Thread Starter emsdc


    Say what? I’m not following you.
    In WP options there’s a setting for “Times in the weblog should differ by” X hours from GMT — this would be a way to manually adjust for daylight savings. But there must be a way to set up my site so I don’t have to remember to manually adjust every six months, right?

    Yeah, don’t follow me, I am all wet ;-). From the angle I was taking you would have to use date(I) to test for whether or not at time of post it was DST and manipulate the post time before it is stored in the db.

    For the record, it’s not WordPress’ fault for not adjusting automatically.
    In my forums, run by an older version of IPB, you have to check/uncheck a box in your user board settings. In vBulletin, you have to change the time offset as well.
    Once every six months isn’t too bad. Just another clock we have to adjust, in addition to the ones in our house and car. ??

    BAH! So we have to change this manually in Options? I just did that as a kludge, thinking for sure that it was a server issue. Guess I was wrong. My host told me everything is right on their end.

    Oh well, if this is the biggest problem I’ve got with WP, life is good. ??


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