• Resolved joergwigger


    Hello, this issue is hiding the editor from ticket page and causing an PHP Server error (500). You apply WordPress native “the_title” filter hook incorrectly in your code, with only 1 attribute (the title)(https://bit.ly/2UbedMl) or (Line 146 in user-profile.php), while it should contain 2 attributes (https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/hooks/the_title/) who are the title and post ID.

    !This issue is NOT related to Themes, who might not hook onto the_title filter but all Themes who are correctly using this 2 arguments!

    Can you please fix and update this issue?

    Thanks in advance!


    • This topic was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by joergwigger.
  • The topic ‘“the_title” filter hook incorrectly applied’ is closed to new replies.