• I have Thematic and All in One SEO installed, and I am getting duplicate meta data.

    Default WP meta is resulting in…

    <title>NAME OF SITE</title>
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    	<meta name="description" content="Site Description Here" />

    SEO is returning…

    <!-- all in one seo pack [231,282] -->
    <meta name="description" content="AIO SEO Description here!" />
    <meta name="keywords" content="Keywords,yay" />
    <!-- /all in one seo pack -->

    To my knowledge it should disable the default WP Title and Description, and use AIO SEO’s. Any idea how to fix this?

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  • Michael Torbert


    WordPress Virtuoso

    Open your header.php and remove the stuff you don’t want.

    I suspect it’s the plugin. I believe it’s inserting the tags into wp_head.

    Michael Torbert


    WordPress Virtuoso

    Some themes, including Thematic, also display a meta description.
    It’s in header.php. If you don’t want it, delete that line/those lines from the file.

    I noticed that this plugin also places the meta description & keywords down quite a ways on the pages, whereby it’s customary to have them up near the top more, like under the title with the rest of the meta tags. I’m not good with php so I don’t want to start messing in the .php file moving things around, thinking if I move them up in the file they’ll show up higher on the page … yes? no? If yes, does anyone know what to move and where to put it so it these two things will sit under the title? Thanks!


    On the placement of the meta tags from all in one – I don’t think it matters. The search bots will still seem them even if they are further down the list that your normal meta tag placement.

    Question regarding the lack of meta name=”title” though (only the <title> shows up). Did the plug-in creators just leave this out or is there proof that one title tag is enough for the search bots?

    Michael Torbert


    WordPress Virtuoso

    On the placement of the meta tags from all in one – I don’t think it matters. The search bots will still seem them even if they are further down the list that your normal meta tag placement.

    It doesn’t matter. Google doesn’t stop reading your code 3 lines down.

    Question regarding the lack of meta name=”title” though (only the <title> shows up). Did the plug-in creators just leave this out or is there proof that one title tag is enough for the search bots?

    Don’t make things up. Search engines don’t care about anything that says meta name="title".


    Hi Friends,

    Mine is godaddy server. All in one SEO pack is not working for me.

    I installed wordpress from version 2.3 to 2.7
    I installed SEO pack from version 1.2 to 1.4.x.x

    I tried 20 combinations with all the above versions.

    But nothing worked for me…

    can you help me in make it work for me fo godaddy sever /

    Thanks and Regards

    [sig moderated]

    The All In One description is the one I want to keep. It’s the second description on the page.

    The description that is showing up closer to the top of the page is the one that I want to get rid of. Appears to be the ‘tagline’ text from the settings area.

    Any suggestions on how to remove that 1st description on the page?

    To prevent the Thematic framework from producing the description tag, you simply edit the header.php file, and comment out the line thematic_show_description(); (on line 8), by adding // before:

    If you wanted to fine-tune the header functions of Thematic, you would find them in this file: thematic/library/extensions/header-extensions.php.

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