• Hi

    I would like to know how I can remove “Analytical by SketchThemes” from the footer. I tried several way but nothing.

    Thank you so much in advance.

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  • If you don’t keep the theme current, sooner or later the theme may not stay compatible with WP or plugins, and you could have security issues.

    Thread Starter massy74


    I keep chaning themes so that is not an issue for me. I would like to remove that text if it is possible.

    Thank you in advance for your help

    I posted above a way to remove that text – have you tried it?

    Thread Starter massy74


    Could you please advice about step by step how I can do that? I never managed CSS so far. I am not using child theme I guess. I am using that I have downloaded from here.

    Thank you

    If you have modified any theme files, first reinstall the theme, so that you do not lose any changes when the theme is updated. That will give you a “clean” start. Then do not change theme files without using a child theme – see the link above for instructions on how to do that.

    If you only want to make CSS changes to your site, install this plugin – https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/custom-css-manager-plugin/

    The copy the CSS code I posted above to the new Custom CSS location under Appearance > Custom CSS.

    Thread Starter massy74


    Thank you – It worked indeed.

    Hola, consulta: el código publicado anteriormente:
    . Alimentado por {
    display: none;
    Se pega en Cascading Style Sheet > CSS Code? porque lo pegué allí y el texto sigue apareciendo.
    Desde ya les agradezco me indiquen dónde lo pego.


    The footer code is written in header.php in last 10-12 line.

    Simply remove this code

    <div class="copyright_box colreg"><?php if(sketch_get_option($shortname.'_copyright')){ echo sketch_get_option($shortname.'_copyright'); } ?><div class="powered-by"> Analytical By <a title="Sketch Themes" target="_blank" href="https://www.sketchthemes.com?utm_source=ana_pro">SketchThemes</a></div></div>
    				<!-- Copyright block -->

    hope this could be helpful, you can see the live site here…

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