• Resolved madhuri


    My blog and the three column template theme (anaconda) were working properly, until i unknowingly tried to manipulate the blog url in the options tab in the admin panel.
    I tried to change the url from https://www.medinmark.com/blog to https://www.medinmark.com/edication. The change never got implemented, and also the theme & presentation of blog has now broken.
    I have also lost access to my admin section.

    Kindly guide me, how to trouble shoot this problem & regain my presentation style once again.

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  • Never ever try to change those URIs to “fantasy” values. If your don’t know how they work – simply don’t touch them!
    (<rant>why people never read instructions??? </rant>)

    Follow the guide:

    Thread Starter madhuri


    I am very thankful to you for you support, moshu. I am absolutely new to the field of blogging & apprehend my incapability to handle this problem properly even after reading the page suggested by you.
    I am also afraid to loose the data (pages / categories / links / etc.)
    Could you be a bit more generous by helping me get rid of this problem?
    I shall be grateful.


    You will not loose anything IF you follow the instructions from the tutorial I’ve linked above.
    I can’t give you better instructions than those described there.

    You will need to access your database through phpMyAdmin – which is the usual interface to manage your MySQL database.
    Last idea: maybe there is somebody you trust and more technically inclined who could do it for you.

    (being new is not an excuse for not reading the instructions before messing around with thing you don’t understand… on the contrary!)

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