Theme Check Messages
Hi, I’m relatively new to WordPress. I’ve managed to build my own theme and have the Theme Check plug in installed. I have searched for answers to my questions but would like a more direct answer.
When I run Theme Check, it tells me the following:
RECOMMENDED: Text domain problems in tag.php. You have not included a text domain! Line 25: <h3><?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?> | <p class='postmetadata' style='display:inline'>Posted in <?php the_category(', '); ?> <div class='comment-bubble'><?php comments_popup_link(__('0'), __('1'), __('% '), '', __('x')); ?></div></h3>
It tells me the same thing for various other pages. I don’t understand what it’s asking me to do – like I said I have tried searching already and couldn’t seem to find an explained answer. If someone has this that would be great!
Another message I get is this:
WARNING: error_log PHP error log found.
What is my solution for this?
The final message I have a question on:
REQUIRED: The theme doesn't have comment pagination code in it. Use paginate_comments_links() or next_comments_link() and previous_comments_link() to add comment pagination. REQUIRED: Could not find wp_link_pages. See: wp_link_pages <?php wp_link_pages( $args ); ?> REQUIRED: Could not find wp_footer. See: wp_footer <?php wp_footer(); ?>
I know they say required, so that’s why I’m wondering if I absolutely need them. I have a pagination plugin that I prefer over the WP one, and I have other menu links besides wp_page_links.
Any answers to my questions are greatly appreciated!
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