• Resolved alphaonecomputer


    when i activate the all-in-one plugin-in i can only see the header and a footer on any and all of my other web pages. is there a fix for that? i am using themify as a theme builder and wp editor and it is compatible with many other plugins… or is it a setting? you can still see the pages on the site externally without being in editor mode.. but in the wp editor with or without the theme builder you cannot see or view the body of the webpages unless i deactivate the all-in-one plugin. It only shows the header and the footer in the editor… no other plugin that i have used so far does that..


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  • Hi,

    Obviously there is a conflict with your WP theme, due to large number of issues that support is facing, we unfortunately can not currently help with the theme and plugin conflicts. The main purpose of this forum is for us to catch and address product bugs, but hopefully other users can help you. We’ll keep this topic open for a few days for other user to chime in if possible.

    Thanks for your understanding.


    Thread Starter alphaonecomputer


    after i create the event… i am unable to preview the event… it is a 404 error

    Thread Starter alphaonecomputer


    this is site with no other plug-ins except for the calendar…and wp


    I suspect that this is not unrelated to a post elsewhere about error events from other plug-ins being hijacked by Ai1EC.

    I am evaluation a number of event manager plug-ins specifically this one and ECWD. I have seen Ai1EC giving 404 errors when clicking individual events. The path is mywebsite.com/events/…

    I observe that ECWD is using the same URL structure. Having encountered this issue, deactivating the ECWD plug-in results in the home page being displayed instead of a 404 error.

    Whilst @benjamin’s comment about being unable to assist with other product conflicts is pragmatic, what is not understandable is why THIS product has not been made defensive against the predilections of other products. Making the URL path unique to THIS product would make THIS product self-defensive of damage from other products. For example – use mywebsite.com/ai1events/…

    Having now got this broken (again) my only recourse is to wait for an update and to install it with the other product deactivated, far sadly this product does not have a “repair me” and (in the technology stack) I am not techie enough to work out how to do it.

    Sadly starting to feel that this is a great product with a number of nasty sharp edges! Needs a bastard file in it! (No that’s not swearing, but the proper name for a semi-rough file!)

    Go to Settings – Permalinks – and click Save. Everything begins to work

    Thread Starter alphaonecomputer


    i thought it had something to do with permalinks i just didn’t know what… that permalinks stuff gets confusing…is there a way to remove or not show the repeats button…?

    On the frontend?

    Thread Starter alphaonecomputer


    yeah the front end has a button that sais repeats..once u setup recurring events… it’s not a bad feature…but if the event ends early or changes it can be misleading…if you hover over the button it shows when the recurring events ends which would be nice on the back end..but on the front end..it kind of takes away from the event being special…no big deal but it would be a nice to have a toggle option… someone sent me a css that removes one of the buttons from the 2 of the calendar views..the button where you can add events to your personal calendar or download the csv..but if the event changes..just saying…the repeating event could be tentatively recurring.. so then you have to be careful how long the event repeats..which means more repetitive work… you know the event will recur weekly for one month but may go for 3 months so with that button there you have to change the repeat every month instead of just changing it when the event does end or changes…

    I see, do you still need css code to hide the button? If so, please provide a link to your calendar page.

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  • The topic ‘theme compatibilty’ is closed to new replies.