• Resolved sirthaddeus


    I’m creating a custom theme and gotten pretty far on it.

    I was wondering if there is a tutorial, list, or what not that has the php calls for different wp widgets like below:

    <?php get_calendar(); ?>
    <?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&optioncount=1&hierarchical=0'); ?>
    <?php wp_tag_cloud('smallest=8&largest=22'); ?>

    Thanks in advance!

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  • I think it would be a better option to just use a sidebar (Widget Area), instead of placing the widgets in directly. Information on this can be found at; https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Customizing_Your_Sidebar#Different_Sidebars_Anyone.3F

    If you want to place a pre-selected widget some where, your going to need to get its function name (Example: get_calendar(); ). There really isn’t a list for this, but you can see a few farther up the page on that link I gave you above. Maybe this page could lead to something: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Widget_List

    Thread Starter sirthaddeus


    thanks for the link.

    getting the function names, do i open up the widgets.php file and for example do this:

    function in widgets.php:
    function wp_widget_recent_comments($args)

    in sidebar.php:
    <?php wp_recent_comments(); ?>

    is that correct or completely stupid? I can up with that from studying the widgets.php page and php call for the tag cloud.

    That’s correct.

    By having the word ‘function’ in front of it and the parentheses and curly brackets behind it (with code inside the curly brackets), you are defining what should happen when the function name is being called.

    Then you have the function name with the parentheses, along with any variables to pass within the parentheses, you are calling the function. Also, not to forget the semicolon (;), which notes the end of a command.

    Thread Starter sirthaddeus


    okay, another reason i am wanting to do it directly instead of using the widgets is the better options of customization via the php and css.

    is this also available via custom plugins/widgets?

    Thread Starter sirthaddeus


    i believe i found the list i was looking for:

    i dont know

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