Theme customization for homepage background color
I’m using a theme which offers a custom option to create a background. The problem is that the background appears sitewide and we only want it for the homepage. I’m a little out of my element here and could use any sort of support anyone can give.
The code as it appears now to retrieve the background image or color:
<?php if($bg_image <> '') { ?>url(../images/uploads/<?php echo $bg_image; ?>) <?php echo $bg_repeat; ?><?php } ?> 0 <?php echo $bg_top_offset; ?>px #<?php echo $bg_color; ?>;
I would like to modify this to query for the homepage first and echo $home_bg_image or $home_bg_color and perform the above code if those things aren’t present. Can anyone help me with this if statement since I know nothing about how to set this up?
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