• Hi All,

    I was hoping someone could help me with this as I would not be the best at coding and am missing one last piece to my problem. I would simply like to add the list of Google Fonts to the Theme Customizer to make changes to the header/body fonts easily.

    I know how to create the feature with the Settings and Controls, I just cant get the list of fonts to pull through onto the site and am not sure where to even start really.

    This is what I have so far for the Heading Font, but all that pulls through to the Theme Customizer at the moment is the drop down list for Heading Fonts and the options are: Array, Array, Array.

    $wp_customize -> add_section( 'typography_options', array(
    	'title' => __( 'Typography Options', 'my_theme', 'my_theme-text-domain' ),
    	'description' => __('Modify Fonts','my_theme-text-domain'),
    	'priority' => 4
    //Header Font
    $wp_customize->add_setting( 'heading_font', array(
    	'default'		=> 'none',
    	'type'			=> 'option',
    ) );
    $wp_customize->add_control( 'heading_font', array(
    	'label'		=> __( 'Header Font', 'my_theme', 'my_theme-text-domain' ),
    	'section'	=> 'typography_options',
    	'settings'	=> 'heading_font',
    	'type'		=> 'select',
    	'choices'	=> array(
                   'arial' => array(
                           'label' => 'Arial'
                    'open-sans' => array(
                           'label' => 'Open Sans',
                           'google_font' => 'Open+Sans:400italic,700italic,400,700'
                    'pt-sans' => array(
                            'label' => 'PT Sans',
                            'google_font' => 'PT+Sans:400,700,400italic,700italic'

    I hope this makes sense.

    Thanks guys


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  • Thread Starter damienoneill2001


    Sorry all, I wasnt able to see the Edit button to change the title of my post.
    What I am looking to do is add a new feature to the Theme Customization Window of my own theme, not actually the Theme called Customizr. I labelled the post incorrectly ??

    Thread Starter damienoneill2001


    Anybody able to help with this?



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