• My site stopped showing the child theme I had created. I did a ‘delete cache’ which did nothing. I restarted my computer to see if there were some issues there… nothing.

    I then backed up my website and deleted the parent theme. When I visit Themes in the WordPress dashboard the theme still shows… and yet the files have gone.

    It’s 2am so I might be making a mistake. It’s like a phantom theme. I can customise it and it still works… but the files are gone! I am truly confused.

    How can I debug this issue to work out what is going on? Are there any checks I can perform?

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  • Thread Starter speedy_snail


    Something even worse is happening. My live website shows all my web pages but viewing ‘all pages’ in the WordPress dashboard doesn’t show all the pages.

    The dashboard it connected to some kind of phantom / ‘ghost’ version of my website rather than the actual website. My website is working from a browser (everything is there).

    Thread Starter speedy_snail


    OK so I looked at this page: https://www.maketecheasier.com/fix-corrupted-wordpress-database-2/ which explains how to repair the database (I’ve obviously already backed up the database).

    I then go to here:

    It tells me that I haven’t added the define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true); to wp-config.php but I have!

    I feel like backing up all the website files, hiding the backup and then deleting all the website files. I have a feeling that my website will still appear if I do this!!!!

    Thread Starter speedy_snail


    OK so rather than deleting all my files, I completely renamed my webroot folder. My website STILL shows up even then.

    This must be an issue with my hosting company. If the webroot folder changes its name completely and the website still shows correctly in a browser then something seriously messed up is happening.

    What’s your web site address?

    Thread Starter speedy_snail


    I’ve emailed you the address ??

    Thread Starter speedy_snail


    Unfortunately I can’t do anything because if I edit the files in my webroot nothing happens. So it’s down to my hosting company to check this out. It seems to be a domain mapping issue… i.e. the domain isn’t mapped on to the webroot directory they say it is.

    Although if it’s not mapped on to that directory then how can anything be displaying at all? Unfortunately I don’t know where my website is living so I can’t track it down using a getcwd() etc. Because I can’t find the ‘real’ files where I can put that bit of code.

    What do you suggest now? Really appreciate your support. Feeling fairly stressed with this one. I need to relax ??

    Thread Starter speedy_snail


    Here’s the debug I managed:

    I edited one of the plugin files from the Dashboard and added this code:


    This tells me that the hosting company has broken the mapping. They are pointing my website to my old hosting account. (A migration occurred a few months ago) and it looks like the remnants remain!

    Strangely the database IS on the right server. So my website is split between two servers. The old one has the WordPress files on it (the old version of my site). The WordPress database is on the new server!

    This happened without my knowledge. Anyway thanks for your help. Curiouser and curiouser ??

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